Hemp-derived THC-infused sparkling water, he lamented, can be found—including by minors—alongside more benign products like La Croix.
So? Minors can “find” beer next to the La Croix, too. Doesn’t mean the cashier has to sell it to them. Just had to throw in some useless “think of the children” fearmongering, huh?
Nothing makes me automatically assume someone is lying to me faster than a “think of the children” campaign.
wait, cali sells beer in the same aisle as soft drinks?? in most states I’ve seen, it’s either not in grocery stores at all or in a completely dedicated aisle separate from the food stuffs
now bodegas, that’s another story
Standing next to a table piled with largely unregulated products containing hemp-derived cannabinoids, including beverages and gummies, Newsom expressed disgust that they’re now widely sold at grocery stores, gas stations and convenience stores. Hemp-derived THC-infused sparkling water, he lamented, can be found—including by minors—alongside more benign products like La Croix.
“It’s a disgrace and it’s a shame,” the governor said, “and the industry bears full responsibility for not policing itself, for the proliferation of these intoxicating products that are hurting our children.”
When has ‘the industry policing itself’ ever worked? It should be policy or have been considered before implementing the marijuana law in the first place. Earmark money set aside for regulatory needs. Enforce labels. Beer isn’t sold next to the soda in the same fridge usually. Same should be for like THC candies etc.
Newsom announced new emergency regulations on Friday that would outlaw hemp products with any “detectable amount of total THC.” Hemp products that don’t have THC would be further limited to five servings per package, and sales would be restricted to adults 21 and older.
A. He banned all hemp flower and most hemp-derived products in CA in one fell swoop because he doesn’t understand how the relation of THC:CBD works in the plant or the entourage effect or the fact that federally it’s a total of 0.3% maximum, which ain’t getting anybody high.
B. He limited packaging for what reason, exactly? It doesn’t get you high. Even if it did, why?
C. An age limit, that I can agree with. It should probably be 18 for this like it is most everywhere else in the US, but if you want people to be able to die for their country and can’t have a CBD gummy, go ahead Newsom.
Age, testing, and labeling requirements are great. Unscientific regulations by executive order that will make people’s lives worse are not.
Hemp derived products compete directly with legal weed in the state but are outside the established regulatory regime for legal weed.
This is the actual reason that he’s doing this. They can’t properly regulate hemp stuff like they can legal weed. There’s no good testing requirements for hemp products like there are for legal weed you get in a dispo
But nooooo everyone on Lemmy would rather scream that they’re taking away their drugs. I thought for a while Lemmy would be better about not senselessly reacting to headlines
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the federal law. It’s .3% delta 9 thc. THCa the acidic form of delta 9 thc before conversion through heat is not controlled at any limit.
I am aware of the difference. The terminology is confusing and I was kinda stoned while typing that.
He specifically said “any detectable amount of total THC” though, which means the difference is moot. Total THC is THCA in this context.
So there is no miscommunication, yeah federal law allows a max of 0.3% D9 THC at the pre-harvest test (I forget the exact specifics, it’s been a while). Newsom said CBD that contains any detectable percentage of total THC is banned in the state of California by executive order with no oversight. The scientific facts of the latter are not the same as the former and Newsom is an idiot for thinking they are.
You sir are correct. My apologies!
No worries. I wasn’t super clear originally and it’s confusing as hell tbh. I just want people to be able to access things they find helpful
THC has made my PTSD bearable. Why are kids told to stay away? I didn’t touch weed til 23, and it changed my life. I should have been high my entire teens,life would have been more manageable. Newsom can eat a bag of cow crap. People like him REQUIRE replacement.
Kids are told to stay away because THC, like most drugs, impacts brain development 😅
Once you’re 25 your brain is generally considered fully developed. The closer you get to that point the less of an issue it is, but kids shouldn’t be smoking weed all the time, it can impair your brain’s development.
Edit: there are corrections below regarding the age 25 as a brain development breakpoint
Fun fact: the “brain is fully developed at 25” thing that everyone refers to is just completely wrong. The study that is being is referenced when it got brought up wasn’t even looking for that. They were studying maturity in people from kindergarten to age 25 and found that people mature at vastly different rates: with some children being more developed than some adults. The 25 number was an arbitrary stopping point because they didn’t want to study people for their whole lives.
Now that being said, kids shouldn’t smoke or drink. But not because of a misunderstood 20 year old study
Huh, interesting. I thought it was with respect to the development of the frontol lobe and your ability to evaluate risk vs reward, I must have sort of mixed “facts” I learned at some point
Thanks for correcting me! ☺️
Edit: this seems like a good source if someone is interested to know more, scishow is very well researched and really good at communicating that research
Yup. Several of the heavy smokers I met in high school ended up “perma-fried” it’s not a guarantee, but it was way more than 1/100.
Same goes for people who really made drinking a part of their identity in HS and college. It’s not unique to drugs/alcohol, but they are the most talked about substances that can have adverse effects on a developing brain, and are already controlled substances.
Because products sold as non-psychoactive should generally actually be non-psychoactive. Though personally I appreciate it from the perspective of I’d like to be able to eat hemp protein without failing a drug test.
I feel you on that, but drug tests are bullshit anyway. Unless a test can reliably tell that you’re under the influence at work, they shouldn’t be able to use them.
I mean, agreed, but I’m working for the DOT so… Not a lot I can do about that at least until it gets rescheduled. Hopefully if it gets rescheduled people can get a federally acknowledged prescription and the ADA should take care of the rest.
If it were just about protecting the public, they would require a label of ingredients, which most items already have.
The… The ingredient is hemp, it’s one ingredient.
Most of the hemp I’ve bought included (or had available online) a certificate of analysis. With the rest, i knew what i was getting because it was labeled type 1, 2, or 3.
But aren’t we talking trace amounts?
No. Only ∆9 is limited. Per the farm bill, thca is hemp, so the same stuff you would buy at a dispensary can be legally purchased online and shipped to all but a handful of states. It’s all about the money.
Because it cuts into profits and taxes from dispensaries.
I think this is more accurately the reason why he’s making a big deal. They tax every sale from the dispensary.
Fuck this dude. The day after the supreme court ruled that cities can outlaw homelessness, he leveraged the ruling in CA. This is the type of shit you get from a auper-lib governor, in a super-lib state. To be clear: fuuuuuck the republicans, but dems aren’t actually trying to do the shit they represent either. I’m not here with some alternative that will fix our shit real soon, but CA is a good example of the dems having all the power, and still working against the people.
Fuck these fascists.
Gavin newsome can fuck right off. First to approve speed cameras in the state and now this.
Really glad this is the priority instead of dealing with the massive homeless crisis or the fentanyl epidemic.
We’re all mad. Please remember our posting guidelines especially Commandment 1&2.
Ah yes, hello fellow kids, may I please have some hemp leaves to smoke?
Seeing Lemmy act like he’s banning weed… Y’all suck. Hemp products in California are solely to get around the state required testing and other regulations. Plus they aren’t taxed the same way, which is a big part of the fucking sell on legal weed.
No state with legal weed should need untested hemp-derived products. Just go to a dispo and get something that you know what’s in it.
Dude, it’s nigh-impossible to find cannabis that’s 1:1 CBD:THC; let alone cannabis that’s not astronomic levels of THC. Type2 hemp flower fits the niche almost perfectly, but now that fuckface is going to make that illegal.
I don’t really want to get blitzed and I’m not really a fan of stoner culture even though I live in socal and literally surf and code next to many of them. But the CBD +lowTHC helps me tame anxiety and manage some other mental health shit that interferes with my best life.
Yeah ok freddy