I’m seeking recommendations for mp games where I could make friends so

  • must run on Linux
  • must have a multiplayer element
  • said multiplayer must not rely on you already having friends, so it must include an alive function finding you a team
  • must have a function to communicate and add people you played with afterwards

The games I know of, which fullfil these (obviously tired of these, hence why seeking more):

  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Guild Wars 2
  • League of Legends
  • Overwatch 2 (possible issues with client on Linux)

I live in a country where I don’t speak the language, I moved here not to go homeless in the previous country and I really miss any human connections. I will appreciate the recs.

  • Semperverus
    31 year ago

    Unironically this is the entire purpose of VRChat, and the devs have made sure it runs on SteamOS (and therefore Linux as a whole).

    You do not need a vr headset to play. If you don’t have one already though, this game may convince you to get one eventually. SteamVR does work on Linux, and headsets like the Vive, Index, and BigScreen do/should also work (anything that is steamVR-native tends to “just work” on Linux).