The arbitrary 8.5-9 hour workday drives me nuts, because a lot of the time, I really only have 3 or 4 hours worth of work to do. I generally work quickly and I value my time. Can I make a decent living doing something that gives me this kind of flexibility?

  • GizmoLion
    12 years ago

    Was a window washer for years. If you work for yourself the pay can be good… really good, like 6 figures part time good.
    If you get routine work from local businesses you can just show up when it’s convenient, do your thing, get paid, and decide if you want to hit another one of your jobs or call it for the day.

    Great, honest work.

    • AnarchoGravyBoat
      12 years ago

      @GizmoLion The swishy smooth lines you guys make with the squeegee on the giant plate glass windows were my one of my favorite parts of the day when I worked at gas stations.
