You can just search terms right within Element to find public “rooms” (like a Discord Server). There’s rooms for all kinds of things. There are private rooms, too, but someone in the room would have to send you a link to it.
Person of considerable jank.
You can just search terms right within Element to find public “rooms” (like a Discord Server). There’s rooms for all kinds of things. There are private rooms, too, but someone in the room would have to send you a link to it.
I love the Element client for Matrix. I use it with my friends and I have joined a lot of communities on there. It’s Discord-like, but I personally find it much easier to navigate than Discord. It’s free, open source, decentralized, you can self-host if that’s your jam, it’s got some solid security and usability features, call quality is great, and I’ve found it to be very stable and reliable. I’m a little biased because I personally don’t like Discord, I find the UI clunky and unpleasant to use, but I love using Element. If you love Discord, you will find Element familiar, but you may or may not appreciate the differences.
This is a huge shame. Both of these projects were exceptional preservation efforts.
So they turned off the servers to resell the same game they were already selling?
What’s the difference between this and the ones that are already on Steam? It doesn’t seem like it’s remastered or anything.
They could stop wasting money on buying exclusivity. That would be the biggest improvement of all.
PLEASE. FFS, exclusivity is BS and we need to move away from it.
Dantotsu, hands down, imo. Great UI, lots of extensions and configurability but simple to use.
Please. For the love of god. Mega Man Legends 3.
For sure. I’m looking forward to playing Spider-Man 2 in a couple years. 😅
Seriously. I’m always psyched when a great game gets ported to any other console. I’m a PC player, I don’t even play on consoles (except Switch), I’m just happy more people get to experience games that made me happy. Exclusivity makes sense for the console makers, but from a consumer perspective, it’s fucking stupid. It’s so weird to me that people defend it so fiercely.
The joke is that all the adventures Mario has in the games are just escapist dreams, because he’s actually just a normal plumber who is sad and unfulfilled by his life.
Haha yeah, I was gonna say, if you’ve even been on the eshop once, “selective” is not the word you’d use to describe them.
I mean, she’s straight up said she thinks that trans women are not women and that she believes being transgender is a mental illness. She said she’d rather go to jail than be forced to call trans people by their preferred pronouns (which is insane and not a real scenario that would happen, but still telling nonetheless lol). She’s buddied up with some far-right extremists, one of which has likened being transgender to doing blackface and another that said trans men should be sterilized.
I also don’t agree with extremist takes on either side, but promotion of trans erasure and mocking/minimizing/invalidating a margininalized group that is frequently at risk of being targeted for violence are not victimless acts.
I think this is the answer. It seems like Microsoft is laying the foundation to go all-in on cloud gaming and/or gamepass. I think their ultimate goal is to dip out of the console wars altogether and be at the forefront of what they think could be the next frontier in gaming.
Honestly, it’s kinda smart. Idk if cloud gaming could really be the future (at least in the US) until we have better infrastructure and access to fast/reliable internet without data caps is more ubiquitous, but carving out a niche for themselves instead of locking horns with the competition is pretty clever. It’s worked for Nintendo. Most PC and console gamers I know also own a Switch, in part because of the quality of the exclusives and in part because of the relatively accessible pricing of the console, but also because the Switch hardware offers a unique experience (well, it was a lot more unique pre-Steam Deck).
lol right? Where do Nazis come in here?
lol it’s funny, all of the articles I see about this game mention that it’s a “Zombie MMO” in the title. Like, I get that it was suggested that it would be, but it’s objectively not.
No thanks, I’ll wait for a Steam or GOG release.