Red Bull - European but Far right

Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.

Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …

(And it’s also not very healthy,…)

  • peto (he/him)
    76 days ago

    I think the buy EU thing (and for that matter, all this trade war bullshit) is one of those things that claims to be apolitical but is inherently nationalistic and so massively popular with/supported by/in support of the authoritarian right.

    One of those salt of saturn political things that lets people pretend they aren’t right-wing.

    • we shouldn’t dismiss the movement as a whole just because some rightwingers are a part of it, but our choices with regard to consumption should be more nuanced than America bad, Europe good.

      • peto (he/him)
        36 days ago

        True. If the movement was called boycott facists, or even buy local I don’t think there would be the same problem.

      • peto (he/him)
        126 days ago

        Exactly what I am talking about. Plenty of facists in the EU, plenty of non-facists outside the EU. Make your decision based on the politics of the people you are buying from, not what flag they wrap around themselves.

          -25 days ago

          That’s not really how it works… I mean sure, avoid nestle and red Bull, but that’s a separate decision

        86 days ago

        The point is that fascism is not unique to the US, i.e. not everyone from the US is fascist and the EU also has fascists. To imply that universally EU=good and US=bad is nationalistic. Just be aware thay this sentiment may also attract people who join out of a sense of national pride rather than anti-fascism.

        • 🦄🦄🦄
          96 days ago

          The US is lead by a fascist and a fascist party. Most of the EU isn’t. I also don’t buy stuff from Italy for the same reason.

    • oce 🐆
      5 days ago

      You can’t take things out of context. There’s currently a far right US presidents creating an economical war with the historical allies and economical partners of his country. The point of boycotting is to try to prove him wrong about thinking that he can impose his wishes by force, the target is him and his government, not the US people in general. There’s also the hope that weakening him could allow a political change next term, which would make things better for our American friends. Of course it is political, but it’s against Trump, not the people.

      5 days ago

      I thought BuyFromEU was more about avoid US products… You know, because the Trump antiques and the corporatism there