Any explanation / meaning / backstory is more than welcome, or you can just drop it for everyone to try and resolve.

  • moonlight
    414 days ago

    Personally, I like they/them better. It’s already been used for persons of unknown gender for a long time, and using it as explicitly non gendered is really seamless.

    Wheras neopronouns can feel very attention calling and othering. Then there’s the issue that most of them sound gendered anyway, (‘zhir’ sounds a lot more like ‘her’ than ‘him’)

    I do agree about the need for more nb representation, though.

    • Singletona082
      414 days ago

      You raise a fair point in it being an attention grabber. I took the prompt as ‘what could you introduce in day to day normal usage to the point it is ‘normal’ useage rather than seen as exceptional.’

      For pretty much the reason you stated. So that it isn’t attention grabbing and NB persons aren’t going ‘LOOK AT MEEE! SEE! I AM DIFFERENT!’

      Though you also bring a point that it still sounds quasi gendered. I’ll differ to someone who’s actually NB on the matter since … well yea.