Hi, it seems like I just got designated additional moderator for this community. This happend without any further communication with mod or anyone, so I’m pretty suprised.

I need to sort out if this was by accident, how it came to be, and where to move from here on.

Come abroad this journey and stay tuned 😂

  • Libb
    418 days ago

    Thx a lot for the clarification.

    I would say that I don’t see the EU and Europe as being the same thing, so why not two communities? I would also suggest ‘nature’ will do its selection work all by itself, no need to decide for it. Finally, I would suggest it’s not to one community to decide the future of another community.

    But that’s just me ;)

    We’ll sort that out in a relaxed manner and see where the path leads. All the 980ish users here should at least have a say on that topic.

    Couldn’t agree more.