As far as I’m concerned, it’s the other way around. FF was there first ;)
A 50-something French dude that’s old enough to think blogs are still cool, if not cooler than ever. Also, I like to write and to sketch.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s the other way around. FF was there first ;)
+1 to that.
It’s so much more pleasant (well, when the shop owner know what they’re doing). I’ve almost completely quit using Amazon and only shop online for what I can find a local alternative.
Including for books btw, at least here in France, the law has made it so that new books must be sold at the same price everywhere (including Amazon) and since the experience is so much more pleasant in my local bookshops I see no reason to give my money to Amazon ;)
Oh, thx a lot for the clarification :)
Android is from Google, how come would they behave differently if the US government was to require US corporations to act in a certain way?
That may be a silly question (?) but I really don’t understand why it matters with an iPhone and not an android phone that they’re US?
Any browser is an alternative to any other browser, IMO.
But they can’t run the same extensions, hence the fact that there is store for FF browsers and another one for chromium browsers. Since people can be very picky regarding their favorite extensions. So, suggesting some FF-based browser as an alternative to a Chromium-based one is the best way to disappoint quite a few potential users… for no good reason.
They all have the same purpose.
Like all computer or phone have the same purpose, still people will prefer one brand over the others, on even in one brand, one model of the other. Despite all of them being phones (or computers). Should we forbid people any choice because you consider it’s not important in you use case?
In French, it would be better to use “Achetez” (third person plural, considerate the polite form) instead of the much more informal “Achète”.
Also, I would suggest to make circle of stars broader, broad enough to include the slogan in its entirety. There is room left around each flag for that, and fr the few ones where it won’t be enough (like the last one) it won’t be enough, it should be ok to make the font a tad smaller/play with spacing on that one flag.
Edit: clarification.
My opinion?
I doubt such a person will ever be able to realize public space is not hers and is not there for her to use as she pleases. Public space is, well, public and shared between everybody and as such must be used with consideration to others. What would that incredibly tolerant (towards herself/her kids) lady say if I was to, say, come sit right next to her and loudly fart while she is eating her sandwich?
She can let her kids splash (and fart as loudly and) as much as they/she wants in her own home. Heck, she can even let them burn her house down if she thinks it’s good for them. But what will she say the day her kids get hurt doing some stupid shit like that?
Does she really need a fucking ‘handbook’ to understand the cosmic level of stupidity she’s reaching for? That’s so unbelievably clueless and egoistical. But whats so sad is to realize it’s not even surprising anymore.
I will have one last thought for those poor kids, just imagining the kind of teens and young adults she’s preparing them to be :(
My main Lemmy account on jlai.lu where I got all my subs, another one on another instance I only use to admin a community over there (there is less bugs when using a local account over a remote one), and one Mastodon account that I almost never use—it’s just, I don’t know, maybe it’s an age thing (50+) but I’m not that interested in receiving constant flow of short messages, even less so when said messages are so often emotional and/or polemical (as a general rule, I try to stay away from anger and resentment).
I have a few more accounts on various platforms I tried here and there and decided to not use. So, I would say those don’t count.
Dos this mean you have some kind of server running at home? (sorry if it’s a silly question)
Yes, there are quite a few approximations in the list ;)
in the EU/Western Europe, as an e mail provider I would suggest in no order: maibox.org, proton, tuta and owning your own domain but that one last option (teh best one, imho) may already be too technical for most users.
It’s an email client, not an email provider. It can be used to receive/send emails from almost any provider, not to create new ones.
Still, I’ve been wondering. I’ve come to learn that plastic recycling is largely a myth/scam, but what about glass and metal recycling?
They recycle fine but they still need a lot of energy to be recycled. Energy is the main issue here: energy needs to be extracted/produced which has a huge environmental cost (even solar/wind turbines have an environmental cost, as well as has their maintenance). So, the best thing we can do, as consumers, everyone of us at our humble level, in our everyday live, would be to consume as little as we can of everything. To create less waste, we should buy less, which would also mean we would need to waste less energy, a lot less, to recycle whatever can be.
LO is good software.
It replaced MSOffice Word for me (and I had been using Word since the early 90s). It also has a few extensions one may want to consider adding. Stuff like extra dictionaries for example, or better (than the default provided) ePub/HTML export tools.
Never thought I would one day thank a robot toaster, but than you. You taught me a new word ;)
Never thought I would one day thank a robot toaster, but than you. You taught me a new word ;)
Not forgetting the ‘Fisher Space Pen Company’ (the ones that make the ballpoint pen used by NASA astronauts, it works in zero gravity). Their pressurized ink refills are really excellent, also the look of their ‘Bullet’ pen (considering the name, on could say they’re really Americans ;)) is kinda clever but I always considered its ergonomics subpar while writing.
Marcel Bich invented BIC pens and I think it’s still French
Indeed. The PDF I linked, retracing the history of the company is nicely made (detailed enough to get a nice overview edit: but not detailed enough to get too boring ;))
Apple is American FYI. I feel like it’s not mentioned enough.
Sorry, I’m not sure to see what’s the link with pens?
Those two services have strengths but they also have some drawbacks, that are more or less painful depending one’s needs. If there are people out there who feel so empty that they can’t stand any critics concerning a product they think is great, well, what can I say? I’m so sorry for them.
Nothing fancy, but very efficient as far as I’m concerned.