As a weekly player with friends, bees and cuccos are pretty fun when they show up. My favourite though is definitely the Home Run bat. So satisfying to hit each player with it.
I love throwing the beehives in random directions then going after whoever the bees go after lol. Also trying to recover with cuccos pushing you off the stage is hilarious. Okay maybe it’s hilarious when it happens to someone else
I was playing the original with some friends on the N64 two weekends ago I had a great time with the homerun bat as Luigi for a round. I think I got a few home run smashes over the horizon before doing a jump blast. Fun times
As a weekly player with friends, bees and cuccos are pretty fun when they show up. My favourite though is definitely the Home Run bat. So satisfying to hit each player with it.
I love throwing the beehives in random directions then going after whoever the bees go after lol. Also trying to recover with cuccos pushing you off the stage is hilarious. Okay maybe it’s hilarious when it happens to someone else
It makes the most deightful sound when you chuck it and it strikes someone. Its the audio equivalent of a giant “fuck you!” Lol
I was playing the original with some friends on the N64 two weekends ago I had a great time with the homerun bat as Luigi for a round. I think I got a few home run smashes over the horizon before doing a jump blast. Fun times