• DankOfAmerica
    723 days ago

    The anti-American circle jerk is irritating and a bit hypocritical. There are very few countries that haven’t done fucked up shit, so that’s where I think the hypocrisy comes in. However, I think the real damage is the division it grows. It draws lines by nationality instead of more helpful characteristics such as values, ideals, and goals. We all have a lot more in common than we have differences. I tend to believe that things could improve if we work together towards a common goal rather than going around stereotyping and placing blame. Personally, I don’t think that an “us vs them” model is the best approach. We’re all here in this together. Maybe we could work towards understanding, inclusion, collaboration, and interdependence while accepting and even celebrating each other’s differences.

    • Majorllama
      023 days ago

      No but you don’t understand. America is the worst country on the entire planet since the dawn of time!!!
