
A new book, A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, reveals Donald Trump’s ignorance on key historical and geopolitical issues.

During a 2017 visit to the USS Arizona Memorial, Trump reportedly asked, “What’s this all about?” showing a lack of understanding of Pearl Harbor.

The book also details Trump’s confusion over India’s border with China, his eagerness to meet Vladimir Putin before taking office, and his frustration with anti-bribery laws.

The authors claim their findings are based on extensive interviews and documents.

  • During a meeting with Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister’s “eyes bulged out in surprise”, the Washington Post reporters claim, when Mr Trump told him: “It’s not like you’ve got China on your border.” China and India in fact share more than 2,000 miles of common border.

    Mr Modi’s expression “shifted from shock and concern to resignation”

    Modi is all of us. Shocked at the stupidity, concerned for our well being then resigned to the fact Trump doesn’t even care about either.