Soldiers put an explosive cord around the man’s neck and forced him to scout buildings for eight hours. After his release, another division shot him dead.

    -21 month ago

    “Death to [geographical place]” shouldn’t be said by anyone. However it’s meant, it’s way too easy for people to take literally, and it provides cover for the few that actually do mean literal harm. Maybe you mean “down with Israel,” but even that can be taken the wrong way. (Much like saying “down with [monarch]” would historically be understood to mean that monarch should die as opposed to stepping down.)

      41 month ago

      I really don’t care how you take my opposition to a genocidal state. The crimes of Israel demand a much stronger international response than they are getting. You can cry about my tone but I think strong language is warranted. Hear me again: I do not want all “Israelis” killed. I want the state of “Israel” itself destroyed.