Like you’ve seen everything and now you can only experience things you’ve already experienced.

    291 month ago

    this is the wildest statement i’ve seen all month

    the breadth and depth of the experiences that life has to offer is unfathomable. do not be so brazen to assume you have experienced even a tiny drop of vast ocean of what humans have actually lived through

    From suicide in the trenches to the raising of a child; from gazing upon Earth from space to hunting a predator with a spear; from meditating in silence for weeks to leading a entire nation through a crisis; from winning a chess tournament to starting a business—and losing it all in a bankruptcy—existence is infinite, or may as well be.

    think of it this way

    there are 52 cards in a deck. that means every single deck has a specific order, right? what are the chances of you getting one specific order of cards if you shuffle? Well, how many different combinations are there? 52! ( ! means both factorial and emphasis here)

    That’s 52 × 51 x 50 … all the way to × 2 × 1

    That’s 8x10⁶⁷

    That’s 8 with 67 zeros. Here


    For reference… the number of seconds since the Big Bang is estimated to be about 4×10¹⁷

    Now think of your life and human life in general. Think of all the variables. Hell, there are 7 days in a week. 52 weeks in a year. Coincidentally the same as a deck of cards.

    If you do something different every week, there are going to be 8000000000… different ways your year could turn out.

    So, please do not fall victim to this type of irrational thought. I’m not sure if it’s arrogance, depression, or something else leading to that delusion, but it’s a wild statement—absolutely nuts