Drive with a train from China to Turkey, as this article claims a rail-link exist since 2020. You will just have to …

  • pass through some of the most sanctioned countries on earth (either Iran or russia)
  • I assume: go through some gauge change 🛤️
  • pass through countries that hate each other if you want to sell to europe for a profit (Turkey vs. Greece, Russia vs. Ukraine)
  • trust on each of the N nations the rail passes through to not increase tariffs/fees until it gets unprofitable

Lmao, do you think that can be a success?

    1 month ago

    Costs compared to what? Loading up a ship on the Pacific coast and sending it around Indonesia and through the Suez canal and then unloading it in Europe and putting the cargo on trains there to the final destination?

    • scratsearcher 🔍🔮📊🎲OP
      1 month ago

      Compared to drive with the train on rail without unloading/stopping? Mode change is expensive. So ideally once Iran is liberated the train would just drive from Central Asia to Turkey through Iran without stopping.

      The Trans Iranian Railways are already built, but not in use to transport goods from central asia to turkey as far as I understand.