Where you crying while driving? I would … or at least gulp down some spit on regular interwals
Lemmy & Fediverse enjoyer 🗿🍷 Unless otherwise noted my posts are under CC0-license
age public key
Where you crying while driving? I would … or at least gulp down some spit on regular interwals
TIL(Today I learned) about hyperlexia thx!
theoretically a programmer could filter the duplicates out automatically … but I think this “repost problem” is not a top priority, the lemmy UI developers dont have much freetime at their hands to implement this.
my failed attempt: SCOTiSH
Scottish person I guess … I failed at the double t. But it sounds right … right?
you mean subscribe to receive new updates on comments under the post?
Expectation: 🐯
Reality: 🥴
Delete it
All religions does what you describe so replace “Christian” with “Religios people/Theists” in your text … maybe Mongol paganism (Tengrism) is less influenced by these contradictions? Idk.
Is that giant round stone face supposed to represent an ancient stoic warrior? 🗿 Now it does.
just a hypothesis: Tracked vehicles do not scale as well as wheeled ones (the chain has to withstand more force, has to have more weight to become stronger …)
Like expanding Guantanamo by clearing more rainforest? /s
thank you for adding more sources! I am also interested in this. They stacked 7 layers on top of each other. Alternating layer patterns (similar to a brick wall stacked alternating overlap) to prevent gas escape seems logical to me.
So company manufacturing it can make more money with monopoly. Also it had military relevance, if your enemies copy this shit … yout get air-raided. The family holding secret knowledge on this was “Weinling”. Later germans found out on this smh and knitted them in a 7 layer pattern.
The method of preparing and making gas-tight joins in the skins was known only to a family called Weinling, from the Alsatia London area. The sheets were joined together and folded into impermeable layers
Also German-empire had unreliable access to colonies that produced rubber or cotton during ww1. So they used cow gut as a rubber-balloon replacement.
Layers where sewn in secret alternating patterns to make it airtight.
honestly the US military airforce has crazy technology, this meme was an attempt to hint at the extreme contrast: competence of the airforce vs. the awkward/un-normal actions of their commander in chief.
sounds … simple 🍞
But good 👍
ask them to use swear words or produce sarcastic propaganda?
my original name, glowing_hans, was exposed … noooo
haha lemmy users seem to love noodle/tomato related dishes
yes, my Lord. It shall be done, and we shall rule the galaxy 🌃 My llm will clone this: https://allthetropes.org/wiki/Darth_Vader_Clone
me after pressing HALT key in bus, but bus driver ignores me, so I drive to next station while complaining