• @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I believe you mentioned that propaganda influences people. The same system that educates us, propagandizes us. Why blame those who are miseducated and manipulated? That’s barking up the wrong tree. I get it, I’ve been where you are. It’s frustrating. And it’s difficult to stay focused on the root cause (because of propaganda). Fighting with friends and family, even though you may be right, is fruitless. It’s much better, and more productive, to listen, try to understand where they are misinformed, and try to find common ground. I have influenced many in my life through connecting on an emotional level, and then steering them to constructive conversations of understanding. They want us at each other’s throats.

    • Stamets
      1 month ago

      Yeah, and quick thing, but how do we go about getting rid of those they again?

      Oh yeah…

      By being an educated voter.

      I can be angry at ‘them’ all I want. I am. But I can be equally as frustrated with the infinite amount of fools who buy into that propaganda and think nothing more of it. I am not going to remove blame from idiots simply because they were swayed by propaganda from one side. They are still idiots who didn’t educate themselves, didn’t go further in and entrenched themselves in stupidity. Never thinking for themselves.

      I am done with this circular logic of “No, don’t blame the people who aren’t doing the literal ONE FUCKING THING that they have within their power to do! Blame someone else!” Equally as done with this conversation.