Mom hung a mass produced art print on my bedroom wall when I was about 8. It’s of a little girl holding her puppy.

oil painting titled Miss Bowles and her dog by Joshua Reynolds

Cute, right?

Thing is, this painting terrified me. And I was raised in the time where you just kind of swallowed any complaints and didn’t bother mom or dad with kid foolishness.

Here is a copy of the thing I actually had hanging on my wall. This same frame. Probably came from Service Merchandise or some such.

larger crop of the same work of art

What in the everloving hell is lurking just over her shoulder?!?! To me it always looked like a skull wearing a hat on the side of his head, like a little old timey jaunty hat a clown would wear.

It’s a wonder I got any sleep. I was too afraid to tell mom I hated it. I never considered that I possessed the agency to take it off my wall and hide it at the bottom of the closet.

I think of this cursed painting still.

Did you ever have something in your childhood that unnecessarily scared the bejeezus out of you?

  • Lenny
    63 months ago

    I was freaked out by pool drains, lights, and jet holes, basically anything other than the water and tile. I’d have nightmares about them. Loved swimming, but I’d panic as I got to the deep end, and I couldn’t put my feet down on the floor without checking what was beneath me. I couldn’t even look at them.

      23 months ago

      I still have this fear!

      My local Safeway has a big air grate right where they keep sausage/bacon etc… I literally can’t buy those items because I’m too scared to get close to the grate, I’ll drive across town to a different store to avoid it

      • Lenny
        13 months ago

        Ohhhh god I would do the same. I can rationalize my fear enough to use pools now, but the actual terror is still present deep in my animal brain.