“To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”

Post got removed in .world for not being a “news source” even though Klippenstein is definitely a very established independent journalist, so trying again here I guess.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
    84 months ago

    I guess it depends on how you count…

    262 words here:


    Also 262 words:


    Using your methodology, Proverbs 26:2

    As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

    Hmm… I never did like the King James version.


    As the sparrow escapes, and the swallow flies away, so the undeserved curse will never hit its mark.

    • sp3ctr4l
      84 months ago

      You’re really having this conversation here…

      … while simultaneously being part of the mod team that bans this source and topic in all the .world instances you moderate?

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
        -64 months ago

        The link was removed from politics because a) we don’t allow blog posts, substack or otherwise and 2) It’s not political, it’s criminal. Belongs in News.

        It was removed from World News because World News explicitly bars internal US News, which this is. World News exists to give news from other countries room to breathe.

        • LukeS26 (He/They)OP
          74 months ago

          I mean at this point it’s whatever, but I did post it in News originally. It got removed for not being a “reputable news source” based on the modlog, but the current post about it in the same community is from Gizmodo, which is fine, but the only source they have for the manifesto is literally this link.

          I get that it’s on a substack, but just because a journalist publishes using substack and not some other web template (even though the site is their own URL, and the author is an independent journalist who worked at several fairly well known news orgs) doesn’t mean it’s not reputable. It just feels very arbitrary.

          Also you guys clearly don’t seem to ban substack, since there are multiple posts currently up that have been posted a day ago in one case, and 16 hours ago in the other, one of which is literally also from ken klippenstein. So why is it fine sometimes but not othertimes? I don’t necessarily have an issue with a broad ban of any substack link (even though I personally think that would be kinda dumb), but that fact that it’s so inconsistently enforced isn’t good.

          • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
            -74 months ago

            The problem with Substack, or Medium, or Blogger or any other blog site is that anyone can post anything. It’s not a news platform.

            Rather than go through each blog and go “OK, who is THIS guy? What’s their deal?” we just go “Yeah, no.”

            Allowing some but not others would be an even BIGGER headache, because then it’s clear Substack is fine for one person but not another.

            • LukeS26 (He/They)OP
              84 months ago

              But like I said, News currently has multiple recent posts from multiple different substack blogs. One of which was posted by FlyingSquid, a moderator of the WorldNews community.

              If the blog is private, from a unique URL, and is run by an independent journalist or group of journalists, how is that any more effort than checking any other type of website? I could steal a HTML/CSS template for a news site right now, whip up a site where I post misinformation, and buy a domain for like 10 bucks, and you’d have to go through a lot more effort to verify it as legit than it would take to open the substack blog, click about, and copy the name into your search engine.

              If an article is by something like apnews then yeah it doesn’t take much effort to check, but if it’s by some other random page, like a lot of the posted articles are, you’d need to check it at least once before you knew it was fine, so what specifically about substack makes it a problem?

                • LukeS26 (He/They)OP
                  4 months ago

                  I get that, but I’m saying on lemmy.world/c/news there is a post by a moderator of another news community on your instance which is from a substack blog (another independent journalist, so I actually like the article being posted, I’m just mentioning it as an example). Obviously the rules differ between communities, but if a very similar community is fine with something, and so is the mod, and so are your mod team since you left it up for almost a day by now, then it seems odd to have that rule at all. And like I mentioned earlier, there is also a post from Ken Klippenstein’s substack that was posted a day ago now, and that one was also fine. I get that moderators can miss things, but this wasn’t a small post, and given it was on a subject you guys have been extremely aggressive (to put it lightly) in moderating, it seems likely that you guys saw it and made a decision that it was fine.

                  Like I said, I get why random blogs are banned, the point of a news community should be posting factual information from reliable sources. But you need to check each source anyway, at least the first time you see a specific URL, and since this substack page is only by Klippenstein, and has a very recognizable url, it shouldn’t be any more effort to moderate than any other news website. If all substack pages followed the url scheme of blogname.substack.com or something I’d get it more, since then it’s less of an independent page, but that’s not how it works.

                  • sp3ctr4l
                    24 months ago

                    You’re talking to a talking point.

                    He knows he’s full of shit and refuses to take responsibility for anything.

                  • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
                    -44 months ago

                    Again, News has their own rules separate from Politics and World News.

                    Even if Politics and World News allowed Substack, the Klippenstein post would have been removed for it not being politics in one case, and for being internal US news in the other.

            • davel [he/him]
              4 months ago

              I think you’re putting in more effort here than these folks deserve 😂 Regardless of how much I like or dislike the rules of those particular .world communities, I understand them, and I understand why they are the way that they are.

              • LukeS26 (He/They)OP
                24 months ago

                That’s not really my issue though. I don’t care about following the rules, it’s fine my post technically might have broke the current rules, so it got removed because of it, whatever. It’s just weird that substack isn’t actually listed as being banned anywhere, the closest rule is rule 6, but I don’t think that this article should be classified as: “No opinion pieces, Listicles, editorials or celebrity gossip is allowed,” when it’s not any of those. That plus the fact that other substack blogs have been posted as articles with no issue, and that the article which is now up only cites Klippenstein as where they got the info from just feels inconsistent. Like if Klippenstein is considered unreliable, then fine, I’d disagree but it wouldn’t be worth fighting over. But if that was the case then why is the gizmodo article not unreliable, if it’s based on an unreliable source? And if it’s specifically substack that’s an issue, why? And if so why are other substack articles posted there and kept up, including a different article from Klippersteins substack? I really just want it clarified if substack is banned, or klipperstein is banned, or both, or neither, and not have it be entirely up to the judgement of a given mod for a given article whether to enforce it, since that could lead to biased removals.

            • borari
              14 months ago

              Also you guys clearly don’t seem to ban substack, since there are multiple posts currently up that have been posted a day ago in one case, and 16 hours ago in the other, one of which is literally also from ken klippenstein. So why is it fine sometimes but not othertimes? I don’t necessarily have an issue with a broad ban of any substack link (even though I personally think that would be kinda dumb), but that fact that it’s so inconsistently enforced isn’t good.

              Bruh. Everyone sees you for who you really are. Stop acting like they don’t.

                • borari
                  24 months ago

                  Jesus fucking shit bro. Do you see that part of the other posters comment that I helpfully quoted for you?

                  Go back and read what’s in the quote inset again, then address it. Or you can just keeping playing this coy, smug, shit licking game that literally everyone can see straight through I guess. You’re not clever my dude, you’re a fucking hollow, empty, sad, pathetic person.

                  • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
                    -34 months ago

                    Even if world allowed Substack, which it doesn’t, it STILL would have been removed for being internal US news, not world news.

                    See each community has a thing called a “Sidebar” that explain the rules for the community, you might try actually reading them sometime.

                    Here, I’ll make it super easy for you:

                    Still not clear? How about now?

    • @Glasgow@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Oh I was assuming based on all the other stuff.

      Luigi Mangione had 286 Tweets

      He posted a photo of the 286th Pokémon

      His cousin follows 286 people on Twitter

      The “denial code” 286 is when the appeal time limits for a healthcare claim are not met

      He was caught at a McDonalds "286 miles away”

      Seems odd to plan all that and stop 2 dozen words short.

      • granolabar
        24 months ago

        That youtube video suggested DEC 11 something.

        Also 286 preverbs also got a zinger message

        I guess all of this could be a coincidence every high attention event generally some weird number and pattern. I am starting to think that if you look close enough there is always one.