• @LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 months ago

    It’s a good thing, imo. People shouldn’t grasp at things like which nation-states they were born in and allegiance to them, such things only create a docile nationalist populace that empower warmongers like Putin etc.

    Just because I was born Russian doesn’t mean I have to be a bloodlusting orc beating my chest in jingoist fervor, that culture is just some shit I saw, it has no power over me, and no effect on me, I’m wholly independent from it. This is of course - a good thing.

    People should craft their own identities, choose their own families and make connections based on reason and material circumstances or love. Not anything superficial like borders or language.

    It’s quite unfortunate that neurotypicals seems to struggle with being independent thinkers so much and instead resort to religion/fascism for identity because a flag says they must be one way or a computer tells them or their social circle etc. So many of them do things and they don’t even know why, they play games others were into, as if thats somehow a reason, they want what others want, etc.

    Now thats if anything - is sad, and i wonder how we fix this and force them to craft their own identities.

    • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      04 months ago

      It doesn’t sound like you’re crafting your own identity but rather just assimilating into the majority. Also, identity and culture are separate from nationalism, it sounds pretty sketchy to say minorities couldn’t be proud of their identities, culture and language.

      • @LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        14 months ago

        I can’t argue against what something “sounds like”, only what is, and the fact here is that culture and identity formed as a member of an ethnic group or someone born in a nation-state is all fundamentally about nationalist pride and connections with others under a nationalist context, it’s all about judging people based on where they’re from and categorising on assumptions, just because someone isn’t beating their chest about revanchist urges to reclaim lost territory from past centuries doesn’t mean they don’t think along the same lines and that’s the real majority, and me thinking in different terms to that already makes me an outlier from not just my birthplace, but every group. As pompous as it sounds this is a sincere belief.

        • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          I mean you are being literally assimilated by the majority and losing your original identity. It’s sad and borderline racist to think minorities can’t be proud of their heritage, culture and language without it being a negatively thing.

          If you are fine with what’s happening then you do you, but painting all pride in such things as bad, shame on you.

          • @LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            4 months ago

            I am literally not being assimilated by the majority of any kind, I don’t know where you’re getting this from? Just because I don’t identify with being Russian doesn’t mean I identify with being British.

            All of those things are just nation states created in bloody battles, borders carved onto maps and now recorded in papers for use by violence monopolists. I identify with no nationality or national identity of any kind, I am my own person and i will mish and mash cultural artifacts as I find them to my liking.

            I understand that there are many people who cannot escape their ethnic identity due to systemic racism and I am firmly anti-racist for that very reason amongst many more, but even then, it’s their material circumstances that create identity, not voodoo spooks of “heritage” or “culture” or any other irrational nonsense, all of that is aesthetics that should be appropriated when useful to sway to the cause, nothing more.

            No gods, no masters. We must cooperate because it benefits us, not because of borders or what food you eat or anything else.

            If anything, shame on you: talking down my experience because it doesn’t fit the current westerner conception of progressive thinking. Your motivation comes from a good place I’m sure, but it’s not nice to shout down others with different viewpoints or experiences.

            • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
              04 months ago

              You’re not being assimilated but you’ve switched the language and don’t identify with your original identity. Hmm.

              If you are fine with losing that identity, fine. But thinking others, especially minorities, couldn’t be proud of theirs without it being some evil thing… Bit of a red flag.

              • @LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                14 months ago

                I’m not losing an identity, I’m gaining one by rejecting the one my birthplace wanted to force on me and everyone who can should do the same rather than allow themselves to be brainwashed by governments into nationalist fervor and pride in what piece of land they happened to be born in.

                And if that happens to be - by choice - a cultural identity of that birthplace, that’s okay too, so long as that is an independent choice, and not brainwashing done by “culture” and pressure from lunatics like you.

                I’m switching to a language that is more useful because more people speak it, especially where I currently live, there are no further implications to language than that.

                I didn’t say anything about “especially minorities”, in fact I specifically carved out the exception that people suffering persecution are not able to escape their identities as defined by their ethnicity or any other innate characteristic above, I fucking know, I’m transgender. I would like to not be defined by that because I’m also a person, but whether I like it or not, sometimes I am, and therefore can’t escape it, not yet.

                It’s pretty clear that I’m not saying that gay people shouldn’t have pride or that black Americans shouldn’t know their history and have solidarity towards each other, yet you keep trying to paint me as racist using minorities as your motte, but really you’re the one who’s racist if you think people being individuals free to choose their own path without being defined by or hurt because of their ethnicity isn’t the goal.

                I don’t know if you’re being dense on purpose or what, I’ve explained it every which way I can think of, but I don’t think you’re acting in good faith, I thought you were a misguided liberal, but I think you’re outright a genuine fascist and genuinely believe everyone belongs with their ethnicity and nationality categorized by culture etc. because you sound like fucking Mussolini, especially with that “modern world” dogwhistle.

                Either way, Blocked.

                • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
                  4 months ago

                  I’m not losing an identity, I’m gaining one by rejecting the one my birthplace wanted to force on me

                  And you say are not being assimilated. Lol