
South Korea scrambled fighter jets as five Chinese and six Russian warplanes entered its air defense identification zone (KADIZ) on Friday, though they did not breach national airspace.

The incursion, part of joint Chinese-Russian military drills, occurred near the contested Dokdo islands and lasted over four hours.

South Korea condemned the unannounced flights, calling for measures to prevent escalation.

Similar incidents have increased since 2019, reflecting deepening China-Russia defense ties amid tensions with the U.S., South Korea, and Japan.

This follows other global airspace incidents involving Russian and Chinese forces.

  • Miles O'Brien
    484 months ago

    It’s insane to me that entire fucking countries governments act no different than literal children.

    This is stereotypical school yard bully tactics. It’s so fucking stupid. People point to specific sad stories as reasons they lost faith in humanity… I point to every country on the planet acting like children any time they have a slight disagreement, or decide they want something someone else has.

    K was right. A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.

      74 months ago

      Sometimes I feel like we should go back for the guillotines and keep going until we get sane leaders that actually want what’s best for the citizens.

        14 months ago

        I suspect Trump will be using hangings or guillotines to remove some of the people he can’t stand, in the next-decade of his dictatorship…

        I’ve no idea if he’ll have the balls to be so blatent right up-front,

        but by the beginning of the 2030’s, KKK-style murder-worship’ll be happening, at-least, if not “burning at the stake” & outright human-sacrifice-worship for Trump.

        People are ignoring the progression of personality-transformation he’s going through…

        Absolute-psychopathy’s going to be ruling him, in less than a year, I bet…

        then, as that progresses… then it gets worse…

        My point is simply that both sides, ideological-prejudice & ruthless-uprightness can use guillotines to clean-up government, but “clean up” has opposite meanings, for opposite sides, you know?

        _ /\ _