• @lurklurk@lemmy.world
    15 months ago

    japan is a sovereign nation too. one that doesn’t get to decide whether a foreign power from across the pacific ocean gets to park military bases in their land.

    Japan did try to invade quite a lot of places and then lose the ensuing war to end up there though. Ukraine didn’t really do that

    russia was content with Ukraine being loosely coupled. They were not OK with Ukraine totally leaving the Russian sphere and joining the west. this is what triggered the invasion of Crimea and the little green men from the east.

    That rethoric is applicable to almost any russian neighbour. Which countries would you be fine with russia invading if they win in Ukraine? Finland again? The baltics again? Poland again?

    Also Russia’s invasion isn’t something “triggered” any more than an abused spouse “triggers” the violence against them. Russia could have followed international law and not invaded, and so far it seems it would even have been better for them. Blaming Ukraine for getting invaded is pretty russian propaganda in my eyes.

    • @kava@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      Which countries would you be fine with russia invading if they win in Ukraine

      why do you assume i am fine with Russia invading anywhere?

      I’m making a point about the dynamics of the war.

      How about this-

      Do you think it’s a coincidence the invasion happened less than 4 days after the new government was appointed (unconstitutionally)? Why do you think that new government immediately started cooperating with the CIA? It’s because they knew Russia was about to invade them. Because they understood their position.

      this type of autonomic response you have to somebody simply dispassionately discussing the material conditions which caused this war is quite interesting. reminds me of the anti-israel / anti-semitic tick

      • @lurklurk@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        why do you assume i am fine with Russia invading anywhere?

        Well you seem fine with russia invading ukraine, and your reasons would cover other european states that also were russia aligned at some point but have since turned west, so it’s natural to assume you’re consistent.

        Do you think it’s a coincidence the invasion happened less than 4 days after the new government was appointed (unconstitutionally)? Why do you think that new government immediately started cooperating with the CIA? It’s because they knew Russia was about to invade them. Because they understood their position.

        So a bit like an abused spouse making plans to escape their abuser? They made plans to support their escape so clearly they deserved what was coming?

        Most of europe is making plans right now and probably cooperating with the CIA to prepare for russia’s next move. I guess we deserve whatever Putin throws at us as we “understand our position”?

        When you defend the russian invasion of ukraine with russian talking points, people are going to assume you’ve fallen for russian propaganda. Actually, that’s the generous interpretation as falling for propaganda can happen to good people.

        • @kava@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          we are discussing the material conditions that led up to the war. we have agreed together here that

          a) the ukrainian government had a radical change overnight due to a violent protest/revolution/coup

          b) the old government was pro-russian, the new government was anti-russian

          c) the new ukrainian government realized that Russia was about to invade because of this radical change and therefore they prepared for war by bending the knee to the US

          so let’s circle back to the statement that started this line of inquiry

          “the ukrainian war is in a way a war of independence”

          so instead of going off on tangents all over the place, can we circle back to that statement. now that we have agreed on a) b) and c), does the statement in bold seem true or false to you?

          let’s ignore who has fallen for whatever propaganda and try to agree on a base set of facts and draw some conclusions we can agree on. if you disagree with a) b) or c) please specifically state what part of that statement is false and we can each present evidence and reasoning.

          i fully intend to show to you i am speaking in good faith and i assume you are as well

          • @lurklurk@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I’m mostly curious if and why you think Russia had the right to invade.

            I don’t agree with your framing of a,b & c.

            A & B: Ukraine has had an election since 2014 so apparently there’s public support for a western friendly government.

            C: preparing to defend yourself from invasion doesn’t justify invading

            So why do you think Russia were right to invade?

            • @kava@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              ok let’s go over piece by piece to try and again reach a base set of facts we can agree on

              I’m mostly curious if and why you think Russia had the right to invade.

              i don’t think Russia had a right to invade. i do recognize, however, that idealistic platitudes doesn’t ultimately matter in the dynamics between nation-states. russia believed, for a confluence of factors, that invading was the correct decision and therefore they made that decision.

              i’m not making any moral judgements. if it were up to me we’d all be singing Kumbaya, nuclear weapons would all be dismantled, and we’d live in a communist utopia. i don’t get to decide though. i only get to be a third party observer, doing the best i can to arrive at the closest version of the truth

              what i am doing, along with you, is discussing the material conditions that led to this war and the nature of the dynamic between both ukraine and russia and the ukrainian war relative to recent history

              A & B: Ukraine has had an election since 2014 so apparently there’s public support for a western friendly government.

              Ok let’s once again reiterate what started this inquiry

              the ukrainian war is in a way a war of independence

              a) the ukrainian government had a radical change overnight due to a violent protest/revolution/coup

              the fact that Ukraine had an election since 2014 and that there is public support for a western friendly government does not change that there was an abrupt change in government in 2014. these things are not connected

              just because people supported the French revolution, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a violent revolution, correct?

              b) the old government was pro-russian, the new government was anti-russian

              once again, the fact that the old government (president being Viktor Yanukovych) was pro-Russian does not change whether or not there was an election post-2014 and that there is public support for a western friendly government

              neither a) nor b) change based on your statement. so please

              do you agree or disagree with A) and B)? they are objective statements of fact. easily provable or disprovable. can we agree to a base line reality? if we can, we can move forward

              C: preparing to defend yourself from invasion doesn’t justify invading

              “the new ukrainian government realized that Russia was about to invade because of this radical change and therefore they prepared for war by bending the knee to the US”

              we are not talking about justification. the statement c) states that the new Ukrainian government, post Euromaidan, recognized they were about to be invaded and immediately started cooperating with the US.

              again, objective statement of fact. you either agree or don’t agree.

              if you cannot state “Yes this is true” or “No this is false because xyz” then you are not actually saying anything and I’m going to assume you are not discussing in good faith

              i’m making every effort here to be generous to you

              • @lurklurk@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                i don’t think Russia had a right to invade.

                So perhaps you should stop defending the invasion and start arguing for support for ukraine?

                the fact that Ukraine had an election since 2014 and that there is public support for a western friendly government does not change that there was an abrupt change in government in 2014. these things are not connected

                These things are totally connected. They show that the russian friendly government wasn’t acting according to the will of the people. And if you dig deeper you’ll probably find that the russian-friendliness was a bit of a sudden decision that the people hadn’t voted for, thus the protests.

                What are you supposed to do if the government you elected turns out to act against the interest of the people and looks to be compromised by a foreign power?

                if you cannot state “Yes this is true” or “No this is false because xyz” then you are not actually saying anything and I’m going to assume you are not discussing in good faith

                Well you are free to do so, but I won’t agree with your manipulative framing of things. “yes she was raped, but had she been drinking? did she wear makeup? did she wear a short skirt? I’m not justifying it, it’s a simple statement of fact”

                You’re clearly invested in defending an invasion you after a lot of arguing concede is wrong, so you should take a look at yourself and ask why that is