Donald Trump is reportedly losing sleep, battling anxiety, and obsessing over his polling numbers as the GOP nominee hopes to hang his hat on any sign that he will return to the White House.

A campaign official told Axios that Trump is asking more questions and pushing his staff to work even more to ensure that he will come out ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris come Election Day.

“Trump’s anxiety is evident in his late-night and early morning calls to aides in which he peppers them with questions on how things are going—and whether they think he’ll win,” Axios reported.

  • @fine_sandy_bottom
    134 months ago

    I think if he loses this election he will be dead before the next.

    Imagine the stress of his various legal and financial problems, no longer with any backing from powerful people, then going to jail or under house arrest with no contact with his followers and just being completely irrelevant and forgotten, knowing that by the time you’re released you’ll just be an empty broken frail old nothing.

    It would be Trumps worst nightmare. It would break his spirit.