Tomorrow at 3pm

    • Queen HawlSera
      15 months ago

      A bunch of horribly aged sex comedies full of misogynistic “jokes”, blatant homohpboia, and various pop-culture references that you’d have to have been born in the 70’s to have a chance of getting?

      Sounds like his kinda game being a washed-up divorced dad living in the past who’s children and ex-wife want nothing to do with him.

      Seriously, I own the series, bought it in a bundle for Steam and I’ve tried playing them. I love old adventure games, especially comedies like Monkey Island and I heard so many good things about it from my dad and the laughs he had from LSL when he was a dumb kid fresh out of high school.

      …and I nearly died of anti-lulz trying to play these things.

      I love a good raunchy comedy, for fuck’s sake, my favorite Boomer Shooter is Duke Nukem 3D… but LSL has aged about as well as Larry himself has been implied to.

      I’m too young to even know what a leisure suit is, and I’m in my god damn 30’s.