Donald Trump supporters are just making up data now to make him look good.

Results from a “shock” poll shared by one of Donald Trump’s surrogates started trending on X Monday, telling 1.4 million people that the Republican presidential nominee was gaining ground on Vice President Kamala Harris in New Mexico.

But none of it appears to be real.

MAGA ally Richard Grennell, who served as the acting director of national intelligence during Trump’s administration, posted the sourceless numbers to his X account, claiming that Harris only had a three-point lead on the former president in the battleground state. But that alleged narrow lead made light of other recent surveys, including one published in the Albuquerque Journal on Monday, which showed Harris with a  nine-point lead, three times more than Grennell suggested.

Trump surrogates are literally fabricating polls at this point to make their supporters think a victory is inevitable,” wrote Democratic strategist and pollster Matt McDermott in response to Grennell’s post. “No poll shows this in New Mexico.”

    5 months ago

    Keep on telling them that they are winning or it’s very close, so when they lose (whether in a landslide or not is irrelevant), they’ll call that restaurant with all the goofy stuff on the wall, and the mozzarella sticks, and try to overthrow the government again.


          25 months ago

          Right. A close relative and I were talking to an acquaintance, let’s say (not a friend) who is totally in the tank for donnie - a magabrain if ever there was one. This woman simply could not grasp that most of the country thinks donnie is weird, delusional, that he’s dangerous, not normal, and very unlikable.

          She’s like…“but over half the country likes him?!” And I don’t even know if she actually believes this bullshit, or if she’s just playing mock outrage at someone giving her some truth about her fat golden boy.

          Where to even start with this shit? Half? I asked her where she gets half? And she says more than half the country voted for him but he only lost the electoral college, it was stolen, etc…good grief. They are just stuck in a total fact-free bubble. I didn’t even want to continue the conversation at that point. I’m sure all these magaferbrainz think they “win” arguments, but the truth is that most adults just don’t have the patience to walk them through all the ways they are wrong and how fallacious their arguments are: not all Americans qualified to vote, donnie lost the popular vote by a fucking LOT, etc…

          15 months ago

          True, but also true: overturning 5 swing states results will be much harder for them.

          It’s imperative to make it a landslide.

          Also for down ballot races. The house and senate are still critical to take.

      05 months ago

      They’ll think the election is stolen when the bullshit polls they’ve conditioned themselves with prove false.

      They will believe the new government is illegitimate and be more likely to resort to violence

        5 months ago

        Yes. That’s what I said.

        The “restaurant with all the shit on the walls, with the mozzarella sticks”, for those that don’t know, is a reference to the 2001 cinema cult classic “Super Troopers”, wherein one character is being tricked into saying the word “Shenanigans” in order to receive a pistol whipping, which was threatened to the next person who said the word, while aforementioned character was out of earshot.

        In making the reference, in also subtly reminding readers of the post-2020 election Trump press conference, which was mistakenly placed at “Four Seasons Landscaping”, which up until shortly before the event, Trump thought was happening at a Four Seasons Hotel.

        The setting of the Four Seasons Landscaping press conference itself, was a bit of foretelling poetry, as it was a run-down warehouse nestled between a porn shop and a crematorium. Thats the type of shit Nathaniel Hawthorne couldn’t even think up.

        Which is fitting, because the opening of The Scarlett Letter paints the setting as a town that built a prison and a cemetery before anything else.

        And, funny story, Nathaniel Hawthorne was a direct descendent of Judge John Hathorne, a pivotal character in both the historical Salem Witch Trials, and the fictionalization known through the book The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. Which of course was using the Salem witch hunts as a metaphor for McCarthy-era anti-communism trials…but also, Trump is constantly crying of being a victim of a political witch hunt.

        Sup dawg. Heard you liked being meta.