probably, just look at how many people are retiring to Vietnam.
probably, just look at how many people are retiring to Vietnam.
Has worked alongside colleges to artificially increase tuition costs to the benefit of both
Expects people to pay them for 90% of their adult life
Shocked pikachu face when people figure it out and are mad.
Sallie Mae is the company that owns the majority of student loans in the united states.
take a look at which mag you’re on, and then think about if any of us want to pay to block ads.
suck is forever
I should call her
food (fox news): But food banks are struggling to meet the higher demand due to decreased donations, supply chain delays and inflation, according to NPR.
safe to drink water (the wall street journal): Nearly Half of U.S. Tap Water Contains ‘Forever Chemicals,’ Study Says
shelter (the national review): Neglect won’t be an option. Left unaddressed, street homelessness tends to expand. Twenty-person encampments have a way of becoming 40-person encampments
safety (the Washington times): If we take the example of health care workers, the extent of the issue is made painfully clear. A recent nationwide survey highlights that almost half of hospital nurses report an increase in workplace violence, a 119% rise in nurses compared to March 2021.
There you go, 4 different conservative news sources that point out the same issues. the facts that I had stated in that comment are agreed upon on both sides of the political spectrum, the only thing that’s up for debate is the solutions. and regardless of what you think the solutions are, they are not currently happening withing the united states of america.
again, I’ll ask, what is there to fight for?
not defending those doctors in any way as they should keep up to date in their medical training, but we didn’t even really have a proper definition of autism until ~1994 when the dsm-4 was released and the name “Autism Spectrum Disorder” wasn’t used until the DSM-5 came out in 2013. The DSM-5 it’s self isn’t even a great definition as experts say that it’s definition excludes more older people and women than the DSM-4 did.
this means that therapists who have not kept up with their learning, and have been practicing for decades may not have been told ANYTHING about autism, and the ones who stopped their learning 11+ years ago may have been trained on incorrect/bad information.
Mental health professionals are far and few between, are prohibitively expensive to see, and in many cases are working with an outdated education which leaves them unprepared to diagnose/treat certain conditions. That last point is really coming to light in the Autism/ADHD crowd, where if their therapist even knows/recognizes it (quite often people get misdiagnosed with anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc.) their outdated training may end up being harmful. With people who have these sharing not only their experiences, but also successful ways to handle and cope with their conditions, teens are able to get the help that is largely not available to them. That and the therapists that genuinely want to help as many people as possible are giving generalized advice on apps such as tiktok.
oddly enough, this tiktok explains many of these points and more better than I can
A country is supposed to provide 4 things to it’s citizens, and the united states are failing on all 4.
safe to drink water: Nearly half of the tap water in the US is contaminated with ‘forever chemicals,’ government study finds
safety: The record 48,830 total gun deaths in 2021 reflect a 23% increase since 2019
additionally, nearly every fundamental system (education, healthcare, insurance, car-dependent city designs, etc.) within the united states is designed to take everything away (or restrict access to everything) from it’s citizens through poverty, thus making the above problems exponentially worse.
What is there to fight for?
if you are on android, the tower is pretty good. it has years of stuff to do, and it’s still getting more added to it.
what’s wrong with osmium?