I use Tuta mail. It is entirely open source. There are both paid and free tiers. I started on a paid tier, then downgraded to free. I like the option of a usable free tier when money is tight. I use addy.io for aliases.
My username references one of my favorite literary characters, the gentleman with the thistledown hair from Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
My avatar is a goblin with long, scraggly hair who looks upward timidly with voluminous eyes.
I use Tuta mail. It is entirely open source. There are both paid and free tiers. I started on a paid tier, then downgraded to free. I like the option of a usable free tier when money is tight. I use addy.io for aliases.
“Queen” by itself refers to either women or gay men. It is not gender neutral. “Drama queen” is applied to all genders, but, again, this example is pejorative toward women. Do you have any examples of women-centric language that can refer to all genders, but that is not negative toward women?
Can you really say “1984” with confidence either way given Big Brother?
I would not have guessed that meaning of “of.” I think we should stick to “til” or “past” for clarity.
I wish our numeric system was base 12 instead of base 10!
100% yes! I have pretty intense time blindness due to ADHD. The visual representation of time in analog clocks helps me.
Your examples of female-based neutral words are pejorative. Do you have examples not rooted in misogyny?
If an alias receives spam, I can deactivate it. Future mail addressed to that alias will not forward to my email inbox. In essence, stop the flow of water instead of repeatedly mopping around the leak. Also, I am wary of malicious unsubscribe links.