The way it’s going I think we’re closer to seeing the USA dismantled
The way it’s going I think we’re closer to seeing the USA dismantled
You’re right. I’ve just blocked the moron
You’re not very bright, are you? It has nothing to do with nazism, it’s a reference to Greek mythology https://ariane.group/en/news/la-genese-dariane-1-et-le-debut-dune-epopee-spatiale-europeenne-3/
just stop. You’re just embarrassing yourself. Making the same joke in every post about the launch is not going to make it funny.
the fiat panda 4x4 was the fucking bomb .Pitty they don’t build them anymore
He was a rat back when he was PM. Unsurprisingly he’s still a rat.
I think it’s exactly the right line of reasoning. It’s time we held the US electorate responsible for their actions (or inaction), the same way we hold Russians or Hungarians.
It’s beyond me how the Americans could elect this fucking moron. He can’t even control his sphincters, how on earth did they expect him to run a country
Controlling everything in a car through screens is a safety hazard. It’s insane that’s even allowed.
By supporting Russia, the US is actively threatening EU security and that makes a friendly US policy not a reasonable option right now.
Right now the US is threatening invasion of a part of Europe. The only reasonable option right now is going at it alone. Try to carve out our place in the world as Europeans. That entails forging a new China and US policy. China is a smaller threat that the US right now and by dealing with them, we could influence their policy towards Russia.
this is a no brainer to be fair
what a fucking tool
It really depends on your exact needs but there’s plenty to choose from. This is not an exhaustive list, but I’ve been looking for a few months because I need to retire my old ICE Volvo and these are some of the ones that caught my eye. I tend to take the train or plane when the trip is 3+h, so I might go for one of the cheaper ones, e.g. ë-C3 has a 320km range which is plenty for me, and at that price point, I don’t need to finance it.
Citroën ë-C3 20k Volvo ex30 36k Peugeot e-208 28k KIA ev3 33k Hyundai Kona 31k
You might be interested in looking into the Chinese brands also, MG and BYD have decent offerings as well.
At least for Europe that’s not the case any more. The US market might be different but here there’s plenty of cars in the €25/30k range with 350+ km range from the traditional manufacturers. They also have established dealership networks for repairs, financing, testing, etc.
I really think Tesla has ficked it up big time, at least here.
Mr Barrot also signalled that France would be ready to send troops to Greenland if requested by Denmark to defend it against a bid by Trump to seize it militarily, but doubted this would happen.
Good stuff. No backing down from bullies
glad to hear it
I say pull them all, that would cripple their power projection towards Africa, Europe and the Middle East, and move forward with the creation of a EU Army.
If this is how the US acts when they are being petulant, I think we as Europeans should act quickly and start preparing for the worst and start moving troops. They are right now threatening with invasion I can’t even fathom how they behave when they are down right belligerent.
It makes perfect sense. Trump has threatened to invade Greenland. Troops on the ground would serve as a deterrent.
There’s a shit ton of Mexican hot sauces. I like valentina