You’re free to feel that way, I just disagree and think we’d be better off without AI. Time will tell whether we should have put an end to it, or if it was a great invention.
You’re free to feel that way, I just disagree and think we’d be better off without AI. Time will tell whether we should have put an end to it, or if it was a great invention.
Some search engines more than others!
AI is a totally different ballgame, and I’m sure you know this.
You are kind of getting upset, so I assume you work in the AI field in some way? I think the development of AI is interesting, intriguing, and opens many doors to many possibilities. But I still think it’s a bad idea. It’s not that I don’t trust AI, it’s that I don’t trust humans, and they are the ones implementing AI.
Quote from Jurassic Park, that I think applies to AI well: “We were so preoccupied with whether we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.”
Yes I do, and it’s totally different than Gutenberg or Turing. But as soon as AI is programmed with “ideological bias” it becomes an agenda, a tool to manipulate people. Besides, it’s training people to think less, and put in less effort. It will have long term negative effects on society.
No, ai just needs to be shut down.
Direct voting, as in not secret voting? I would agree with that. I think the votes should be physically counted while the public watches.
If you mean switch to popular vote instead of electoral, I’d disagree, because urban shouldn’t automatically have rule over rural, which is what would happen.
What I read in the article was this. There is going to be a war between the US and Canada. Trump didn’t say that, Trudeau said it.
All I see Trump saying, is that the US does not need items from Canada, if the US is losing money in the process. He also said it would be great if Canada joined the US.
If we actually did full blown maga, it wouldn’t be red or blue. We would have to become way way more libertarian. At this point, I’m thinking maybe we should not even have a president, and only have the house and senate. Illegal executive orders have given too much power to the presidents.
This is what I often do. Handy since search engines are worthless anymore.
I don’t know if we are talking about the same thing. So I’ll just drop it.
I don’t think he’s there yet, he still seems to know what’s going on around him, and where he is at.
lol, he didn’t try to “overthrow” the government at the previous election. He did the same thing Hillary did in the election before that.
When trump has asked about a third term, it has been jokingly. As far as those pushing for it, I don’t think it would pass. If it did though, he would still have to get elected again by the people again. I dunno I just don’t see it happening.
Sorry, never mind. I misunderstood that part of your previous comment!
Not taking sides, but be honest, I’m pretty sure that was Biden.
This looks fake. Any other pics of it?
Its not disingenuous, you just said yourself “many people don’t know about the years before and the power struggles between oligarchs, riots, and assassination plots…”
And yes I agree, the media fails to give context. I think that’s because they (mainstream news for example) are more interested in getting you to take a side, than they are just giving you the information.
Not going to get into it now, but I’ve personally spoke with so many who have had opinions on it, and its clear they know very little about what has happened there over the past 10 years, and what has led up to the current situation.
Not having non-destructive editing has kept me from using gimp. I tried but just couldn’t use it. I’ll have to try again.