Oooh… I did watch that video, just must have missed that part of it with all the other nonsense that went on in that meeting. It was embarrassing for sure
Oooh… I did watch that video, just must have missed that part of it with all the other nonsense that went on in that meeting. It was embarrassing for sure
OOTL… What’s with the thank you meme?
Well shit… Thanks for the heads up!
Librewolf on desktop Mull on Android
A martyr?? You’re not a martyr. You’re a fool.
Then I’d hate to see how painful your death is going to be…
Nice to know you’re ok with being part of the problem.
In your short comment you went from “literally nothing” to “something” to “very little” has happened. Which is it?
Just because not much has affected you individually doesn’t mean that nothing has happened and that other people aren’t affected.
Don’t let the world descend into chaos before you finally decide to give a damn. By then it’s already too late
We’re doing the thing! Yay!
They haven’t gotten that part of their lie figured out yet. Give them some time, they’re only working on two collective brain cells, afterall.
Oh good Lord. Fuckin idiots.
Ootl… What’s going on with that particular power plant?
Nope. They claim that some of it has to do with Unity and the way the engine is coded and not just their own code… Which might be true to an extent, but they’ve also admitted that their own code is hard to work with because it’s all gotten so complex.
As for selling their own cheats… Man who knows… Money IS a great motivator.
Can’t blame you, tbh… It’s been a shit show. Hopefully they figure it out, but they’ve been pretty tone deaf at every turn over the past few years so it’s likely that they’ll just try to ride this out until the community just kinda… forgets about it. Which is sad. One reason being that we shouldn’t be in this position to begin with… The other is that it shows that companies can literally just bend us all over and as long as they walk back the extreme behaviour a little bit, they’ll get away with it.
I’ve killed more than a few people with bigger pockets than normal and it just saddens me that people can actually support this nonsense.
Keep the rubber side down, also.
In the helicopter world is “keep the spinny bits up”
So… Not quite how it works. The company gets an authorized number of shares which it can then issue out, or sell to shareholders.
If you own 100 shares out of the 1000 they are authorized, you own 10% of the company.
Now if they request and are authorized more shares (which is what happened here), your stake in the company is cut down. Let’s say they get authorized and issue another 1000 shares, bringing them to 2000 total shares. You now only own 5% of the company.
And with these new shares hitting the open market, prices will drop because now there is “more supply than demand” (it’s an easy way to think about it). In theory the whole thing will eventually even out, but that generally doesn’t happen here because the value of the company hasn’t changed.
This whole thing is different compared to a stock split, which affects the price and the number of stocks, but not your overall stake in it. If a company does a 2:1 split, your shares will double, but the price per share will be cut in half. 10 shares at $10 now becomes 20 shares at $5… Your stake is still at $100
How is a hot spring something that people NEED to use? You’re acting like it’s a necessity of life to go use it. It’s not. And the people using it are poor? That’s a pretty damn big generalization you’re making there to try and further your point.
They still should NOT be blocking people’s access to anything, but don’t turn this into something it’s not. The destination and their wealth aren’t what matters here. They’re pissed that there are more people around and trying to do something about it. This is a common theme with any tourism heavy area.
And with other animals, too. I had a German shepherd who was chill about me being around his food but never had another dog around him while he was eating.
At some point while he was still younger than 2 we had a family get together. Brother brought his dog over. Sweetest pit you’d ever meet.
Time to feed the dogs. Had them separated, but she finished before my dog and she came sniffing around. He didn’t like that and nipped at her. She backed off, but the flags were raised.
With my brothers reluctant permission, I had to give him some on the spot training. I had to sit there between the dogs while he ate, petting my brother’s dog and mine while slowly moving her closer so he had a chance to get used to it with someone he trusts guiding the whole thing along.
In the end he was fine and never had anymore issues with dogs being around him, but I kept a watchful eye on him after that any time another dog was around.
When it comes to food it depends on the dog. Some are food reactive and could bite for doing that.
Oh gotcha. Thanks for the response. Hopefully we as a country figure it out before it’s too late. My Facebook feed doesn’t give me much hope though…