By not voting, you are still, implicitly, voting for the candidate who you wouldn’t have voted for. Do you think he’s not supporting Israel?
Do you think he even has any moral standing?
That’s who you’re voting for by not voting.
By not voting, you are still, implicitly, voting for the candidate who you wouldn’t have voted for. Do you think he’s not supporting Israel?
Do you think he even has any moral standing?
That’s who you’re voting for by not voting.
You just want to absolve yourself of that moral responsibility.
That’s exactly what you are doing. You’re focusing on this one issue, retreating yourself from the binary decision because neither options stands for what you (or I, or morality) would prefer. Completely ignoring that withdrawing from the choice plays into the hand of the infinitely worse candidate. So by not choosing, you do nothing to stop the situation in Gaza, but might actually make things a lot worse for people all over.
You can virtue signal that you did not compromise on your believes, while actually helping your country make a worse place.
Would this not be considered as “providing comfort to insurrectionists”, as described in the 14th amendment. Even just promising pardoning them.
So even if they argue he supposedly wasn’t involved in it, it would still disqualify him from office.
When the call is coming from inside the (white) house…
(Edit: to be clear, back in 2020)
This is essentially a pro freedom of speech legislation.
It’s not though. It doesn’t just protect employers to call anyone whatever pronoun they want, it mandates that the preferred pronoun for trans people (and others) are not used.
It doesn’t just protect bigotry, it requires it.
It’s an easy rule, yes. It’s also an easy one to overlook if you’re not paying attention.
“Word je blij?”, but also “wordt je moeder blij?”.
It’s not like people don’t understand the rule. No native Dutch speaker would say “Loopt jij?”
I think the main errors happen with “voltooide deelwoorden” (past participle). Then you need mnemonic devices like “'t kofschip” to know whether it’s t or d (or determine it using what you would say in the past time of the verb). It doesn’t help that e.g., “gebeurt” and “gebeurd” both are correct depending on the tense used.
Also the fact that the t drops when the verb is inversed in the 2nd person singular present tense, and not e.g., past tense (“Je wordt” but “Word je”) is a weird rule.
It’s not thát complicated and if you pay attention, you should be able to get it all right. That’s why I think such mistakes are more a sign of carelessness and not of stupidity.
Imagine being brainwashed bombarded on a daily basis with messages of how leftist will take over your country and how Trump will save them
So basically Anno 2307?
I haven’t played Anno 2205, but what your describing seems a bit further in time than that game. The start of colonization of the Moon vs settling/trading with the full solar system.
Exactly. In Europe for example, you see the stylized “e” symbol on packaging very often. It means that a negligible amount are below the advertised volume/weight.
So if the package says 600ml, they might have to set the machine to 610ml to ensure they satisfy this condition.
No, it proves me right. People are still willing to pay for the service despite the price hike. So it must mean that people think this non-essential service, for which there are alternatives, is worth the money.
Unfortunately, this is users allowing for this kind of behaviour.
The original comment was that voting with your wallet doesn’t work. I’m saying that it’s a problem with enough people voting with their wallet. If you are the only person that cares about something and stop buying from a particular company, they will not even notice it.
On the other hand, look what happened when bud light had this thing with a trans influencer and conservatives got ridiculously upset with this, as they do. ABInbev is still feeling the effects of that.
1% might have 50% of the wealth, they do not account for 50% of the spending. Especially not at Taco Bell.
Pure capitalism is broken af, but companies like this will feel it if 10% of costumers stops going there. The increase in price can recover some of it, but only to a certain extent. It’s a simple supply and demand issue.
That being said, I’m not from the US, so take my opinion on local issues with a grain of salth. And I definitely don’t mean to imply that wealth inequality is not an issue. On the contrary.
What kind of a broken system is that?
Just to be clear, you mean that people ignoring the laws is what makes it broken, right? Not the laws themselves?
Cause your last sentence threw me off for a second.
If so, I totally agree with you.
I’m not from the US, but are people really streaming while driving? Cause that’s just ridiculously stupid.
I know people are driving much longer distances in the US than here, but at least put on some podcast or music to entertain you. Nothing that keeps your eyes off the road.
What if my religion mandates killing everyone over the age of 60?
Could I get away with it because of freedom of religion?
Gotta remember where you came from.
Now if she’d just leave the personal jet in it’s hangar.
Definitely not a fan of elites flying in their private jets to whatever luxury location.
But can you imagine Taylor Swift flying in a public airplane? She’d be harassed endlessly, even in first class.
Some people are just too well known, unfortunately.
Are you really saying printing money is the only possible cause for inflation?
I’ve been to Italy multiple times (actually on a plane to leave for Milan right now). I never had any problem communicating while there.
Not exactly related to the question, but as a non-native English speaker, whenever I read something related to weights in imperial, e.g., 150 lbs, my mind reads it as 150 lubes.
I know it’s pounds, if I would read it out loud, I would say pounds cause I’m not a weirdo (well…). But still, my internal monologue has lbs = lubes