Das kann ich respektieren :D
Bist drüben immer willkommen, auch mit .de account ;)
🏠 HTTP 301 - moved permanently to feddit.org 🏠
Das kann ich respektieren :D
Bist drüben immer willkommen, auch mit .de account ;)
Davon hält dich niemand ab, aber es gibt gute Gründe umzuziehen. Der alte server wird nicht gewartet und niemand weiß wie lange er überhaupt noch läuft. Er ist zudem höllisch langsam und man kann keine Bilder hochladen. Außerdem werden die meisten communities bereits umgezogen.
Jede*r Zuhausi die/den wir zum Umziehen bewegen können ist ein Gewinn für feddit und das Fediverse allgemein :)
Es gibt im Matrix Raum mehrere Scripte (powershell wenn du windows benutzt, python falls linux) mit denen du deine Einstellungen exportieren kannst wie abonnierte communities, inkl. gespeicherter posts und Kommentare.
Eigene posts und Kommentare bleiben allerdings leider auf dem alten account zurück. Ich habe in meinem .de account einen Verweis auf den .org account, vielleicht mache ich das anders herum auch noch.
Edit: Es haben Leute gestern noch schnell eine kleine website gezaubert, siehe https://stablenarwhal.github.io/LemmyInstanceMover/
Los geht’s Freunde, auf ins gelobte Land! Darauf haben wir lange gewartet.
Like one of the comments mentioned: there is yt-dlp for now at least.
Wow das erklärt einiges. Bin bislang von bots ausgegangen, aber der Unterschied ist ja nicht so groß.
This is cool, since this game is pretty suitable for local coop. I just hope they also did some optimization, since my endgame village has about 30fps on a midrange gaming pc
Ich weise diese Unterstellungen zurück
Glad i could help ;)
You can get different results, sometimes better sometimes worse, most of the time differently phrased (e.g. the gemma models by google like to do bulletlists and sometimes tell me where they got that information from). There are models specifically trained / finetuned for different tasks (mostly coding, but also writing stories, answering medical questions, telling me what is on a picture, speaking different languages, running on smaller / bigger hardware, etc.). Have a look at ollamas library of models which is outright tiny compared to e.g. huggingface.
Also, i don’t trust OpenAI and others to be confidential with company data or explicit code snippets from work i feed them.
If you’re lucky you just set it to the wrong version, mine uses 10.3.0 (see below).
I tried running the docker container first as well but gave up since there are seperate versions for cuda and rocm which comes packaged with this as well and therefor gets unnecessary big.
I am running it on Fedora natively. I installed it with the setup script from the top of the docs:
curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
After that i created a service file (also stated in the linked docs) so that it starts at boot time (so i can just boot my pc and forget it without needing to login).
The crucial part for the GPU in question (RX 6700XT) was this line under the [service] section:
As you stated, this sets the environment variable for rocm. Also to be able to reach it from outside of localhost (for my server):
I have my gaming pc running as ollama host when i need it (RX 6700XT with rocm doing the heavy lifting). PC idles at ~50W and draws up to 200W when generating an answer. It is plenty fast though.
My mini pc home server is running openwebui with access to this “ollama instance” but also OpenAIs api when i just need a quick answer and therefor don’t turn on my pc.
Keine Ahnung, aber ich habs mit allergrößter Selbsverständlichkeit als solches aufgeschrieben.
It took that time before the update for me as well. 1-2 minutes for every loading screen. There was a mod for that (before the next-gen update) that you could not load via nexus, bc the setup was a little more conplex, but it worked really well (see https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283 )
The method of this mod was to speed up the fps only while in the loading screen to 300-350 bc the loading times were somehow tied to the fps. Well done Bethesda.
Anna’s archive would be the go to i think. You can choose the language in the sidebar.
That’s what I was thinking the whole time. I mean, it’s not that far of a guess.
Der Hund alleine kostet schon 75000$, aber vielleicht ist er auch nur geleased.
+1 for Trackmania. Very sad that the most recent game is published by ubishit, who kind of made a live service game out of it (different tiers of access, starting at 10 bucks a year)
The size of this community alone shows the need for it. That said, feddit.org seems like a good new home for it since .org is a language neutral tld and the server is german AND English speaking after all.