The old 4chan way: shoe on head with handwritten date/time stamp.
The old 4chan way: shoe on head with handwritten date/time stamp.
20%—I feel for tip-based workers, but I’m also not running charity nor am I in a financial place in life to be tipping much higher than that.
If 20% is not in the list I will enter 20%.
When you both shit hard enough together at the same time and wonder to yourselves “was that splashback mine…?”
Quench your thirst with sausage infused water by throwing a respectable number of Vienna sausages in one of those infuser bottles.
Oh I know this game. I’ve always thought it would be funny to use raw onions in the place of apples in caramel apples and pass them out on Halloween.
I’m going to qualify this—all vertebrate eyes have a blind spot. Cephalopods also have eyes that are like vertebrates (this type of eye is called ‘camera eyes’), but their eye anatomy is such that no blind spot exists for them.
Piggybacking on your fact about the brain effectively editing what we visually perceive, we don’t see our nose (unless you made a concerted effort to look at it) because the brain ignores it.
A crow eating chicken and a human eating beef are actually really good parallels. Crows and chicken are 91 million years diverged while cows and humans 94 million years diverged.
CMD ` (backtick) will switch between application windows, if that’s what was frustrating you.
Dollar Store John Travolta: I Shit Myself Edition
Also worth noting that people tend to refer to autism as if it’s a singular set of phenotypes, when really there’s a bunch of ways that autism can manifest; hence autism spectrum disorder.
I’ve always thought sky burials are pretty cool, but as a person living in North America who has no plans to move to Tibet or take up Buddhism, that’s completely impractical. Next best thing might be for my to be placed on a body farm.
I forget which one, but one of the Between the buried and me albums has an instrumental release. Honestly, all of their albums I recommend regardless because the musicianship is excellent.
Scale the summit is more along the lines of prog metal but purely instrumental (I think).
Protest the hero is prog metal that has a near minimal amount of death growl (still some).
Animals as leaders which has been mentioned by several people.
Exivious is decent, I’m like 90percent sure they’re instrumental.
There’s a Japanese band called té, which is way more prog rock but you might like that.
Death, despite being one of the progenitors of death metal, is less intense on the death metal growl vocals. To me, early death metal in general is a bit different sounding than modern death metal. Regardless, Death has a pure instrumental song called Voice of the soul which is part acoustic. It’s probably one of the most acoustically beautiful songs written in the genre.
Worst party ever.
tar -xvzf Coffee.tar.gz americano
By this definition, Xolo wouldn’t fit because the x in Xolo is somewhere between sh- and ch-. It’s a Nahuatl word and many (if not all) Xs are sh-/ch-.
Sorry for being pedantic.
Free: gently used jerk-off-chair. Never bare-assed it, but spritzed with fabreez anyway. Sticky texture is from woodfinish/varnish. Should hold most earthly humans, but if you’re worried about it holding your weight, you can come try it out. Pick-up only.
my favorite feature is that it’s a smart device—you connect it with your phone via proprietary app and it tells you the temperature of your counter top. Also for a low monthly subscription fee it will also recite the screen play of a random episode of friends in 4 languages simultaneously, none of which are English, Spanish, Arabic, or Mandarin.
I think a large part of the competitive pricing comes from subsidies by the Chinese government to produce these cars, not necessarily because China’s innovated some miraculously cheap vehicle.
Granted, Western, Japanese, and Korean automakers placing emphasis on SUVs (at least in North America) certainly doesn’t make the pricing of cars (electric or ICE) any better. It’s also true that Western governments can similarly subsidize EV manufacturing, but keep in mind that a lot of hurdles that exist in the west to pull off such a task don’t exist in China—there is no opposition party that might slow down or kill legislation. Add to that the access China has gained globally via Belt and Road likely makes obtaining raw materials a lot cheaper too.
This is all to say that boiling it down to an attitude problem is a little too reductive.
When you carry it around, do you carry it fold up or fold down? Or carry it flat? If so, West Coast up or east coast up?
Bald eagles are sometimes considered kleptoparasites, and I’ve always found that fitting for the USA.