I need an bigger living room
I need an bigger living room
I think Gold was amazing back when I first played. I liked the new Pokemon designs and when I found out you can go to Kanto, my mind was blown. I did not expect so much playtime after the Elite 4. Everything in that game was an improvement to the first gen. It still had some jank, but at that time, I think it was the perfect game they could make.
But there is one thing where I think the GBA games stood out: graphics. I still love it, it’s extremely timeless and just beautiful. That is still how Pokemon games should look like today. I prefer Leaf Green over Emerald because it doesn’t have way too many water routes like Hoenn and as Gold and Silver, it had some nice unexpected post Elite 4 content.
Of course I’m totally biased because those were my childhood games. I tried Soul Silver maaaaany years later and got Shield for the switch, but they could not keep up with the GBA games. Maybe I will give Gen 4 and 5 a go in the future though.
Hey, are you me?
Mario and Zelda are the obvious answer, but Golf Story would be my answer as well. It’s sad that the sequel sucks (never tried it) and that the series never made it to other platforms.
After all this years I have to find out that it actually is an intrument.
Wenn die Ökonomen sich beschweren, vielleicht ist es dann ja doch ganz gut.
Lesen Leute Flyer, die sie in ihrem Briefkasten finden?
A little late, aren’t you?
I like good ol’ OutRun on my Switch. It’s the definition of an arcade race. For the Steam Deck it seems like you have to go through emulators for this.
But it’s officially distributed by Beamdog as a patch. So it’s a little bit more than a mod.
Oh no, the USK is actually different. It protects us from evil things like blood and guns and swastikas by completely denying an age rating every once in a while. Gambling is fine though.
Why do you share news from last year?
Germany doesn’t use PEGI, we use ratings by a German organization called USK (I know this doesn’t really answer the question)
I agree, the comment before you was just trying to be mean and funny
Man könnte das ganze auch einfach im Torwandschießen entscheiden.
Sido - Weihnachtssong
I just finished it recently as well and also need an break until I start WotR.
2D: Super Mario World. It just plays smooth af. Pretty close to a perfect videogame.
3D: Rayman 2. Platformers usually have a colorful and happy world. Rayman might still be colorful, but it stands out because it’s kinda grim. Gameplay wise… I should replay it, because I’m not actually sure anymore. I think all 3D platformers of this time could be a little bit janky. I remember there were some frustrating parts, at least for a kid.