How is it possible to not mix tech and politics?
I saw a giant sand sloth (two eyes and one nose) and can’t unsee it 😅
By great, I meant that it is indeed the second largest democracy in the world and that, imperfect as it may be, it is functional… But that last statement will soon be put to the test I’m afraid.
I’m sorry, dear US-American friends because you have a great democracy but also at the same time one of the most flawed electoral systems of any democratic state in the world…
Same vibe
Before switching you should maybe read this and wait for the native app :
Ploopy the headphones, recommanded by Ploppy the Jailer
Here around the beginning I think
Did someone actually watch the interview? He just looks like an overgrown kid trying to make others in the classroom laugh… That would have been funny if it was not pathetic…
And they need help ! So if you can, consider to donate :)
Is there a list somewhere of the companies advertizing on this thing? Could be useful to ask them what they think about that!
You could suggest to connect their Xitter to a mastodon server so it automaticaly forward posts (crosspost), could be a good thing for a first move!
To be honest, the only reasonable question is: what are these people still doing on this crappy thing?
I did that too and don’t regret it ;)
Very Belgian: He doesn’t have all his fries in the same bag / Il n’a pas toutes ses frites dans le même sachet
Meaning that he’s/she’s dumb or confused :D
It’s french so that’s weird, what is your country?