More than cool, add in other enhancements and most 3D games don’t need a remaster that will most likely be bloated data-wise.
Particularly when it comes to vertex colors (see Spyro’s skyboxes) rendering at modern res immaculately, upselling into photorealism is just throwing out the smartest and most unique thing the game had.
Sure, but that doesn’t help me now.
It doesn’t install a better auto-level sensor or tool-changing on my printer. It doesn’t give me a good print bed (one I bought was damaged by prints) or even just a newer control board. I’m not even going to buy a slicer key, I don’t want to spend more money on this nor do I want to think about it.
I’ve already acknowledged that some of this was my hubris and I would likely still be printing had I just stuck with what I had. Maybe someone could even help me get back there in exchange for/using my spare parts, but I live in nowheresville w/no car and don’t know anybody so that is not happening.
3D printer (FFF).
Didn’t start out too bad. I knew I was having issues but tried an upgrade I shouldn’t have done (because complexity). Upgrade was mostly done too, issue was fan wiring/firmware. I stopped with it there many years ago, so now it’s all dusty.
On top of all the variables/tuning/test prints, equipment/material cost etc. I also just don’t want to sell anything like I once thought I might.
I mean yeah, that’s the problem. It’s a beautiful world… FOR YOU. Just like how dating sites exist, but that doesn’t mean they work for everybody.
well yeah most people don’t have the hardware to play the pre-HD versions at their best
Maybe you mean an actual PS2, but IME using emu w/higher internal res on a non-stellar computer was a pretty good experience.
Meanwhile the HD version is data bloated (likely because everything is uncompressed for no reason, or multiple resolutions of FMVs including 4K) so the download would be painful for me. And really with Okami’s aesthetic especially, I don’t think HD is necessary (again, beyond just higher internal res and whatever other enhancements based on preference).
I think it would’ve been better to change the FMVs into in-engine if viable, I assume the ones that were pre-rendered was just a hardware limitation if not just some production thing.
I don’t know why there is any stigma around it
The most common reason people don’t get therapy is probably that it’s expensive.
Well, that and there’s many reasons why it isn’t something most people can just “give it a shot” (transportation, waiting lists and time slots, and paperwork/other hassle for the appointment itself)
That was off the top of my head, but here’s a chart:
<Scientists holding their ears to the ground>
Dairy herds in Nevada
“There are things you must know. The village is dying; the signs are everywhere. Withering crops… dying brahmin… …sick children.”
What if aliens have no bones so they call humans bonies?
And they do an impression like “Oh look at human me… don’t think about biosphere collapse. Uhh, sure hope I don’t slip on solid water and break my bone legs in the tax-filing business parking-lot! (my body is not proficient at such recovery and I cannot afford access to medical machines)”
I’ve been curious how this sort of editor would work for non-game code
I mean software is just a game that isn’t a game, and Godot does do a decent job of it. on ! somebody recently posted* a note-taking app and someone in the comments linked to an article about Godot for GUI software development.
Bindings are nice too, and as a mostly-non-coder I’ve actually done a small sample program with Godot+Nim-lang. In a similar vein, there is Raylib (which has lots of bindings options) and paired with rGuiLayout you might get something going.
I tried a Qt editor once and it seemed a bit clunky to me, then some simple toolkits that I think have a better experience despite lacking an editor (though lack of dynamic text scaling is probably an issue here, at least it was for me as I wanted unicode symbols for a text-centric application).
TUI applications are a fun idea too, though viable ideas are chicken-and-egg for me so I’ll probably just stick to Godot if I make anything.
like working in Godot and having nodes to organize behaviour but written scripts to implement it
That was the intent with Godot’s (3.X) implementation of VS (Visual Scripting) but I think most people didn’t like it (thus why it was gone in 4.X). The major flaw with that idea is that programmers probably don’t want to work on VS and… is it really better than just components with exported script variables and either way well-documented code (especially with gdscript)? Also communication on desired effects.
VS should be easy for beginners, if it fails at that a huge amount of people who aren’t in a team will find it to be useless. For comparison, UE’s Blueprints are usually what people point as better than Godot’s VS (which failed at discoverability due to lower-level workflow and IIRC wasn’t fleshed out with organization either), so this wasn’t strictly a problem with the idea of VS.
There are 3rd-party things now (Orchestrator, also Block Coding which generates gdscript) that might work better, though I don’t know.
For me, I think it’s that most common-language things that I happen to look at are 500-line+ with non-obvious short names (initialisms? might be an issue with low-level). Some of it might be down to optimization or language features/requirements, or not using libraries. Though I also don’t hate whitespace so it may just be my brain.
The other side of the coin is that interpreted languages (being more readable) are slower(+single-threaded) and have other limitations/issues. I have some hope that Python’s update with JIT and no-GIL may change that, but integrating it into other tools is still an issue so I haven’t looked into it.
The one language that has clicked for me is Nim-lang (compiles-to-C, interop). I haven’t done enough real projects, but I like the syntactic sugar and UFCS. Not sure if that’s the best way to say it, but it’s like the options that exist can be used to make code more concise. Something that seems small like how you can write conditions or loops can make a big difference.
I actually was going to say something like that but got bored with it. I’d rather watch NWAR again for the detective puns.
The name’s Diff… Diff Fective.
You think I’m Abe Normal? No, but I have a lot of respect for them, really pushing the meta strategy further than ever.
I’m built diffefectively 🫠
As someone untreated (and shut-in), the grass isn’t green here either. I don’t know what the here-and-now alternative is, especially as a well-understood and very-effective med that can be taken irregularly is probably an exception rather than the norm (esp. for something serious/underlying).
If somebody finds a combo of meds that makes them more-than-somewhat functional I think that’s great, I don’t care how you try to frame it. I’m probably not surviving any sort of collapse either, not that I’d even want to. (someone on meds might do better if they can taper off)
I take more issue with the cost and hoops of the US health-insurance system (+other stuff like transportation). It’s a failure even by “pick two” standards… if it’s “you try this first” or 4 appointments for testing/specialists before one step is made it would be much better if bureaucracy weren’t also an issue.
Specifically with the gov’t imploding now (and the impending rug pull) I’m not sure what I could ever do unless there was a real chance someone will let me be a test subject for physical brain preservation (and they’d move my brain some other not-imploding country).
Hmm. This in a news community doesn’t seem like such a good first post. Not saying there’s no issue with them, but maybe some of the issue is you.
This is a heads up… don’t be shocked if mods dislike your choices here too.
Go into a local field and tame a wild horse??? Probably healthier that way anyways (all-natural, soul-bond)
It’s called being cultured, like cheese. Though art is a bit different as whatever shapes you does so long-term, even if you could zap away issues instantly the memory and thus influence will still be there.
Also health/brain issues for me are likely a bigger detriment than anything, resulting in me doing nothing most of the time (small chores on a good day). So anything created is a rare win in spite of that.