Something changes! I love using FOSS, contributing, building cool stuff too!
I take heavy interest in competitive programming and tough mathematics too!
That’s an american matter and I couldn’t be bothered less.
So you’re saying that Gandhi accomplished nothing but leading the most significant and largest non-violent struggle in all of history? To each their own I suppose.
He just didn’t sit with placards, he refused to co-operate with the British establishment, and when millions followed him, they couldn’t just arrest them all. He got India independence through a non-violent struggle, the basis of which lied in subjugating the British trade and administration.
They could arrest Gandhi and Congress leaders all they wanted to, but the movement they inspired couldn’t be stopped.
This might just be the American train of thought, but you’re wrong here. When millions follow you, and refuse to cooperate, the ruling class will suffer, because they’re dependent on you for power. Checkmate.
They find a way, one way or another, they find a way.
These are the same kind of people who freak out when you tell them everyone who has consumed dihydrogen monoxide will die.
I haven’t been following the HDR news on Wayland lately, does this work across all Wayland compositors or just Plasma?
I’m not very acquainted with analogies so can you help me with understanding the software part of this?
Hell yeah then!
Mint is an unironically beautiful experience. They’ve made it perfect, I had my uncle install mint for his personal work too and he used a lot of MS Office suite, but mint just kept him right at home. Didn’t have to buy another overpriced consumer laptop.
New meme template?