Every time I have a fever, I vividly dream in the style of that dream sequence from Dumbo. Absolutely terrifying.
Every time I have a fever, I vividly dream in the style of that dream sequence from Dumbo. Absolutely terrifying.
Remember those curly telephone cords that stretched out to like 40ft when your mom walked around the house while on the phone and you had to dodge the cord like Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment? And then the cord shrunk back to like 8ft when she hung the phone back on the cradle on the wall. And the next time your mom hung up the phone, the cord was like 10ft long with a bunch of kinks and twists. And the next time she hung the cord was like 12ft long and starting to bunch on the floor. And eventually there was like 30ft of telephone cord on the floor under the cradle that just gets kicked out of the way into the nearest corner and collects dust bunnies until the next time the phone rings and your mom answers and walks all around the house like she always does. (I could keep going but I don’t know where it will end.) Remember those curly telephone cords?
You need a curly ethernet cord like that for your watch. It could help to get around.
Also, what model watch do you have that has an ethernet port? My watch works fine but my gf is always complaining about a rock solid connection so I’m thinking about getting a new one.
Ok, maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I found the phrase “body fart” hilarious, maybe both. But can someone please tell me what is the difference between a regular fart and a body fart?
Yeah but I bet they ate their chili with spaghetti.
This is what I came here for. Thank you.
Why do most of the comments in this thread match exactly with the comments in the linked reddit thread?
I bit and had to look up globglogabgalab. From what I can tell, globglogabgalab is a human monster from a Christian kids movie that consumes/eats ideas in books and sometimes consumes/eats people but the creator says it’s not an anti-book message but to me it seems to portray reading books something only monsters/bad-guys do. Idk, I’m not a kid but the inference was pretty obvious.
What I do know, globglogabgalab’s flow is sick.
LMFAO “Don’t dribble in my harmonica.” Thanks for that.
And sorry about the state of your state. As far as porn goes, that video was pretty tame and hardly even porn. Sure there are some titties and mild fetishism but the ad that preceded the video was more hardcore. There wasn’t even a swear word (other than the voice-over ad in the beginning) in the video! I’d say this video is almost wholesome and definitely hilarious, it should be shared and enjoyed, not denied by prudes and puritanical authoritarians.
Show me your nipple!
Dude that boo was too spooky
Yum crumbs. Unless you developed the touch.
The engagement with the act of driving is my biggest reason for sticking with stick. You have to pre-act with intention for every single thing you’re approaching using all 4 limbs.
I also must have at least AWD in my area with snow and hills and sand and mud. So manual impreza still go brrr
Same. I learned stick on my dad’s '88 Toyota Pickup that had 300k miles on its original clutch. Yes, I burned that clutch out shortly after I got my license and could drive it alone. Loved that truck, would love to find another one or any manual truck that size really.
Same. If there is a com for every team, why can’t I find the ones for my teams? I get that that my teams probably have few subscribers so they’re not ever likely to show up on ALL. But even when I actively look for em, I can’t find em. I’m still new to this platform so I have much to learn.
My grandfather gave me three options when I was young and slightly hurt. “I can hurt the other one, amputate the one that hurts, or you can go to bed.”
Crab rave anyone?