(Unsweetened) coffee gang represent!
Now over at lemmy.world
(Unsweetened) coffee gang represent!
I do a yogurt Smoothie (130 cals) and a cup of black coffee for first breakfast, then a carnation breakfast essentials or a muscle milk protein shake for second breakfast.
It hits my protein goals (super important- I have a very physically demanding job) but it costs more than eating garbage (or pure carbs which I can’t afford to do for my health).
I have no idea. It’s monstrously large so that might be why.
I was buying them and eating half of one for breakfast but with like no protein and no redeeming qualities beyond “not hungry” and “taste good” I knew it wasn’t a real option. But my point here wasn’t “this is what I do,” my point was, “people are being disingenuous when they pretend it’s not a real option many people are taking.”
I work 12 hour shifts. I do meal prep of curries or stews and that makes a good, cheap meal, but the storage required to freeze 3 meals worth of meal prep for 4 days of work… plus the time it consumes in making and properly cooling and storing those meals… it’s not a luxury many people have. Convenience options are very appealing for many reasons and there’s this place where “I have to spend at least a day a week planning for work, preparing and putting away food in order for it to be healthy” yoyos around to, “I don’t make enough to buy healthy convenience food.” If I had kids I’d never be able to prep like I do. Hell, it’s difficult as it is!
I’m the wrong person to answer this. I react badly to eggs (just know it’s gastrointestinal and unpleasant) and I have oral allergy syndrome (specifically bananas).
Love hot sauce though!
I had a hard time arguing against Sam’s Club muffins for breakfast.
For less than $6, I can have nine 710 calorie muffins. But the cost to my health to eat that much pure sugar with extremely little nutrition and like zero protein?
But that’d breakfast for 9 days for less than $7 (including tax.)
People who say eating healthy is cheaper if you’re willing to spend the time have never been to Sam’s Club.
This is such a universal feeling.
There was this mean thing people would say back in like the 90s, that the people complaining online win every argument because everyone who had success was busy being in a relationship.
I think that is exactly why that problem persists. Among a certain subset of the population, there is no need to look further. Why assume that there’s a deeper message there?
Which is why it’s always so frustrating when you see someone arguing that you should only be able to vote if you serve. (Yes, this really happened to me.)
Whoever down voted this has no sense of humor.
Ah. The Starship Troopers problem.
It has been so, so long since I last saw the Time Cube. Thank you.
I sometimes think I’ll never be a success in life if no one attributes the “fall” of society to me.
Man I had to reread that headline like five times. “How was the man, who was killed, rebuking anyone?”
Context here would help. MewTwo here was born after horrific genetic experimentation and the moment depicted was MewTwo learning that just because his “father” was an unconscionable monster doesn’t mean that MewTwo is justified in waging war on all more privileged creatures. It isn’t their fault he was made in a lab to subjugate the world, so it’s not the circumstances of his birth that dictates that everyone else should pay.
10/10 name! Are you a Name Rater?
Love that the blood is represented.
Period poops finally getting their horrible, horrible time to shine.
I’m a pokemon breeder. You never get to fight me because I’m always telling you whether there’s an egg or not, but if you got to see my perfect IV, perfect EV, perfect nature team, every single one is shiny.
And a side effect of all that needless effort is that I’m frickin loaded.
My appearance is the Alolan girls’ (braids, cowboy hat, overalls).
Need a better, less kinky name for me though.
The demon core doesn’t really scare me because at least everyone there knew about the potential for harm.
I’m in awe of the pylons.
MyFitnessPal had a problem with anorexic using the app to compare their disordered eating in competition. From there it went downhill fast.