Israel ist so ziemlich die einzige Demokratie dort. Araber in Israel haben Bürgerrechte, können wählen und sind auch im Parlament . Vergleich das Mal mit so ziemlich alten arabischen Staaten in der Nachbarschaft, die durch die Bank Minderheiten unterdrücken.
moral high ground is not determined by the amount of casualties suffered by one side. there was a cease fire in place until October 6. It ended the next day. Israelis have lived in fear of terrorist attacks for too long. they have the right to defend their people and their land. and no, it’s not the land of third generation Gazans, who are majority descendants of Jordans who immigrated in the 40s.
I don’t think this was a smart Move.
So, according to you it wasn’t a smart move to grab the mic, and basically say what you’re saying in this comment?
Did you, by any chance, not read beyond the headline?
Israel is not responsible for providing power to Gaza. Hamas are.
Do you really believe that you need to fake anything related to making Hamas look bad?
Because you are rooted there, you care about the people around you, and you want to improve things in your community. Not everyone is willing to just give up and leave their community to fascists.
Benchmarks should not be disconnected from actual games. If games don’t play in native resolution, then benchmarks should not be limited to native resolution. they should check both native and upscaled rendering, and rate the quality of the upscaling.
They just watched Avatar 2 and went with it.
Why wouldn’t they? Their goal is to create a fair phone. Not a niche phone for a few geeks.
Wir wollten den Heide Park für ein Mitarbeiter Team Event besuchen. Aber wenn man sich dort jetzt als Interessenvertretung von Nazis versteht, lassen wir das wohl besser sein.
🎶 every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good 🎶