The thinking is that a gunshot is always lethal force. If you want to stop the threat most effectively you aim for center mass. So in this case someone is attacking you with a weapon capable of causing death or great bodily harm and legally you can defend yourself with deadly force.
In our small town - just a few thousand people, in an extremely red area of an extremely red state: there is a lady that stands on a corner of the main street though town (1 of 10 intersections). She wears her mask with a Gaza flag pattern and holds a Gaza flag with a small poster board that says like “Free Gaza” or something.
I support her right to protest, but I’m not sure that it’s doing anything or what her goal even is. No idea what her protest is designed to do other than virtue signal.
On the other hand I spend time in February making sure my kids and friends/family on social media see images of civil rights protests - brave people attending school or sitting at a lunch counter.
I think protests can work and can change things, but context and strategy matter a lot.
Less than 1000 responsible gun owners? We’re just making up numbers now?
Before he passed away, my kids’ grandfather bought all his grandkids their first 22 rifle. Some of the cousins were still infants but he wanted to buy them something. He was a prolific hunter and marksman. My kids guns all lived in the safe until they were old enough to shoot them, and now they live in the safe when not in use. You can give guns to kids all day long, that’s not the problem and the gun is not the problem.
Connect via ssh to my home server from work
Using a cli torrent client to download stuff
Decide I need a VPN.
Install VPN again from CLI
Run VPN which disconnects my ssh connection
Even when I get home, the server is headless so I have to locate a keyboard and mouse before I can fix.
Ah yes, React - my favorite programming language
Don’t forget A&W and Long John Silvers
That will vary widely. Near me you can kill as many as you want, it’s legal. Now why you wouldn’t eat them is beyond me, since they are delicious.
The only winning move is not to play.
The Sun Does Shine - I was a supporter of the death penalty until I read this book. It totally rocked my world and I realized how totally wrong I was. There are evil people in this world, but I am not God and I don’t get to decide who lives and dies. Also, if there is even a small chance that someone was wrongly convicted, we can not kill them - we make ourselves murderers.
Really this book made me rethink my entire view on systematic racism, the prison system, and the death penalty.
I have definitely written code in my sleep. As to whether it would work in real life who knows, but I’ve had dreams that I was coding. It’s very annoying to do it in your sleep and then go do it in your awake as well.
Power stone was such a great game. Didn’t it also have little mini games on the memory card?