Thanks for this advice! Other comments are helpful for long term movement building but I want to know what can be effective immediately. I am looking at buying a printer because I don’t have an easy way to print any material.
Thanks for this advice! Other comments are helpful for long term movement building but I want to know what can be effective immediately. I am looking at buying a printer because I don’t have an easy way to print any material.
I’m a proud card carrying member of WFP! They are unfortunately politically weak but I haven’t seen what they have been up to post election frankly. I will look more into that, thanks!
I like the idea but the convenience of her office is that it is a 5 minute walk from me and I can be there near daily for at least a couple hours, I also do not have a car.
I mean I could but no one is doing anything serious and it sounds corny as fuck but be the change you want to see in the world. The biggest protests this week in NYC was about Gaza, and look, I sympathize with the conflict but class solidarity over cultural dividing lines. No one is seeing the bigger picture that our collective voices are being stifled and we are in fact entering a Regime and it doesn’t matter if you are against/for Palestine our collective right to even protest is being attacked daily.
As a young man (I’m under 30) with 2 kids I feel stuck like this. A lot of the protesting actions I would have taken are tapered by “I have to be around for my kids”, but at the same time this country is not how I want my kids to be raised in and I don’t know my own red line for this. Suffice to say if I’m thinking about this 3 weeks into Trump’s America, then I hope I will feel compelled to be more active. NYC might be coming to a heat with the Mayor Adam’s BS so I’m keeping my eye out for any manifestations in the city.
Same, when I was a teenager it was Erowid for all my questions, then r/drugs in college. I also loved r/tooktoomuch, which had the best life lessons to offer.
Thanks! Joined.