I 2nd this question!
I 2nd this question!
Elden Ring follows you everywhere.
It sure is. It’s my favorite game of all time. The story, art, gameplay, music which in my opinion are perfect in their own respect, all come together in such perfect harmony as to be greater than the sum of their parts.
Oh I enjoyed that game so much!
I have fond memories of playing Suikoden, but I’m looking for new experiences. To be frank, I’m tired of remakes.
Ooh I’m excited about this one!
This was a very nice read. Thank you!
I’d rather pay full price than subscribe to PS Plus.
The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is probably the only way I would have been able to finish the game and the DLC. It allowed myself and 3 others (who probably wouldn’t be able to complete it either) to beat most if not all the bosses.
I’ll check out Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition.
I’ve heard that Clip Studio is pretty close but I have not tried it yet. My experience with Gimp and Krita is that they are fairly close to Photoshop. That is to say that it would be easy for a Photoshop user to jump into those and start working. I have searched for the occasional “how to do XYZ in Gimp or Krita.”
Adobe needs to be abandoned as well. Clip Studio, Krita, Gimp, Affinity are either free OSS or one-time-payment great alternatives without the AI and privacy BS.
The Saboteur shows only as single-player in the description. Does it really support co-op?
The PS5 is my last console. I’m done.
Another win for greed, capitalism and the American way!
“low-information” is a new one for me.
No, it’s a standalone utility that you can download and install separate from SQL Server. It just adds BCP.exe to your command line.
Look for the link that says “Download Microsoft Command Line Utilities 15 for SQL Server (x64)”.
Try BCP. I’m fairly new to the Microsoft landscape too, but found using BCP really helped with efficiency on loading.
So electing Trump will essentially stop the genocide! Thanks!
American Chinese here - yes I watched a lot of Wu Kong / A Journey to the West adaptations as a kid. Both animated and live action.
He’s known as a trickster in the source material even though the style in which he’s presented in this new game portrays him edgier and more serious. Usually he’s more akin to Hermes or Loki.
I haven’t watched any trailers so don’t know much about the game, but in A Journey to the West, he’s tasked with protecting and escorting a Buddhist Monk on an adventure along with other ensemble characters (like a pig for instance).
On their adventures, the monk guides and teaches him about Buddhist principles like Nirvana and enlightenment and he works on becoming less monkey-like (not giving into his impulses, anger management, etc.) Much of the humor of the series stems from their contrasting personalities.
He’s also known as the Monkey King. But since I’m not fluent in Chinese it was hard to grasp some of these details and what they mean to the story. They encounter many deities, demons, spirits and other such mythological beings along the way.
His main weapon is a magical staff. From what I remember, it can grow and shrink and transform. His fur is also magical as he can pluck it and perform some magic tricks with it.
I spent so many hours on this game. Probably replayed it hundreds of times. The boss battles were so epic. SIGMA! And then discovering the secret shouryuken move from Street Fighter! Wow!