Mine seems too short
Mine seems too short
1080p on penile panels is not real 1080p close but no 1:1 match
They are not in charge of other oems updates, that’s why Play System updates were created (mainline modules)
What are your opinions on third party apps for Lemmy using ads on their free version?
The developer is not responsible for the targeted ads users get AFAIK
It works 1 way, phone > PC. In order for it to be 2 ways the PC needs at least Bluetooth
If the PC uses Ethernet then you have to be in the same network, yes.
iOS UI/UX on Android doesn’t make any sense
Writers use it a lot, you only need Google Docs or another web app for writing and saves to the cloud that’s it
Then don’t? You can use the app for free, free as in a free beer
There are a lot of insane people out there 🤷♂️
Yeah, Lj said he’s taking this week to regionalize pricing
Nope, they do that in reality, it has happened to LJ a few times already with Sync for reddit free/pro/dev
Insane? $20 to remove ads is insane? That’s 2 Starbucks coffees
Check your Play Store account, I just did that installing on WSA and the Ultra subscription got restored without problems
It unloads the ad library, and the next time you open it won’t be initialized
That’s Ultra. Ad remover is $20 usd
It’s tied to the Google account
Of all devices are steam decks probably no