Old-timey equipment has it’s own feel – and when the city has a matching aesthetic it can indeed be fairly convincing replica of what it might’ve looked like. Cars tend to be a giveaway, another is fashion, but just the b&w already does a lot (like in the following example).
Most likely not, we’re already having trouble with adblue (basically just urea) freezing, especially in the northern parts. There was recently some piece of news where a repair shop in Lapland was up to their neck in repair orders for emissions control systems due to frozen adblue liquid.
Practically all washer fluid sold in Finland uses some alcohol as the deicer, typically just your normal denatured ethanol. I’d also think having urea in the washer fluid would wreak absolute havoc on some parts that get exposed to it – I’m under the impression that it’s quite nasty stuff for many different materials.