The only reason she even got funding was because she was the female steve jobs
The only reason she even got funding was because she was the female steve jobs
Hamas maga is the best way to describe it.
Honestly going to get off lemmy soon because the issue is worse here than any other social media. It is kinda insane.
Houthis are being terrorists and people cheer them lmao
When ISIS attacked iran, a lot of people blamed iran and america, despite that conflict being driven by hundreds of years of sectarian conflict. They justified their reasoning with the most anti semitic shit possible. I think the left is having a very hard time recognizing anti semitism, and it is going to cast doubt on future leftists efforts. Shame:
Not any more trump repped america or boris the uk
No they havent lmao.
The worse netanyahu has said is that he prefers a one state solution and that hamas existing is useful in polarizing people towards that solution. That doesnt mean genociding arab muslims, because there are plenty in israel.
But no person in israel with any substantial support believes in genocide.
They are both. How is that hard to understand? It is a decentralized organization that fits both roles depending on the faction.
Dont get me wrong. I am a brown man. I would never go to israel because it is at war with brown people next door and it does aggressive racial profiling.
But this story is just sensationalist bullshit that cannot be verified or argued against.
The US didnt really care much for argentinian leftists tbh.
Argentina moved right mostly on their own.
From an undergrad thesis guy, but the sources are pretty solid here
The Argentinian economy declined well before Us intervention was even considered, and the US intervention was mostly failures. The successful changes in administration (coup) came almost entirely from argentinians themselves.
You might have an argument if you were discussing bolivia, nicaragua, el salvador, colombia, venezuela, mexico or panama. But Argentina? They did that shit on their own.
Hamas should stop hiding in refugee camps too…
Extend the logic, come on.
It is well known hamas hides among civilians. That is the main reason there is so much civilian collateral damage. Hamas themselves said it is their strategy ffs.
Argentina economic woes are due to economic policies that their elected officials picked… yes…
Lending money to idiots to do stupid stuff is still the idiots decision
Hamas should stop hiding in hospitals.
Christianity is literally the most critiqued religion in the west lol
Leaving those people to suffer that regime was a greater crime than any we committed in the 20 years of occupation
This doesnt make any sense lmao.
We tried. We failed. So we stopped.
He is not wrong lol. His interpretation is just more “originalist”
You can reform islam all you want but the text says what it says.
Most intelligent hamas supporter found
Because there is nothing to go off?
The entire story is anonymized. No way to verify.
And israel might be shit at freedom of speech but better than all of Palestine on that front. If you are pointing out two evils, israel is the lesser one lol
Supposed to be but most gun owners are drunk idiots so here we are.
And they would vote them in again today.