Amen to that. Flying in that game was super fun, especially with the ‘trade lanes’
Amen to that. Flying in that game was super fun, especially with the ‘trade lanes’
Pretty sure Halo 1 and 2 were already remastered?
But has a bunch of tracking bullshit and harvest your phone number and device ID and whatnot And of course it asks for location permission so they can sell that too
oh fuck yes.
Or websites that exist as nothing but a ‘click here to download our shitty app!’ placeholder
I think the problem is a community full of bot reposts basically guarantees there will be no original content posted on Lemmy, which is what we really want.
modern layouts with tons of wasted whitespace and lowercase buttons that have no obvious widget borders.
I don’t care if it looks cluttered- I’d rather have one page that I have to stare at for a second and then learn it than 5 pages that I have to scroll through every time.
Try HomeSeer. I ran it for years before switching to HA.
Sorry, I forget that while Reddit had a largely American userbase especially in political posts, Lemmy does not. I refer to the United States Constitution, which I think is damn near perfect, but has been screwed up by multiple generations of voters who pay little or no attention to their government’s mismanagement and just keep re-electing the same incumbents despite having shit approval ratings for Congress, because they don’t bother to actually do any research of their own or read what the candidates write other than just a few sound bytes on TV.
Our Constitution as it is is pretty good, so wisdom would be to tread lightly. I think the only change I would make is to prohibit primary elections. That would be considered a right, as in, no person or group may deny a candidate with sufficient signatures the right to appear on the ballot. I would also mandate some sort of ranked choice voting or instant runoff election. These two changes would be to fix the problem of having to vote against a bad guy rather than voting for a good guy. It far too often ends with the second worst candidate who goes into the primary, coming out victorious. We should be electing the best, not the second worst.
AmITheAsshole. There’s a few but they’re all bots that repost Reddit content. No original ones that I’ve seen so far
I assume by “Raspberry Z-Wave module” you mean the RaZberry z-wave addon board, and I couldn’t agree more. I tried to get that thing going with another home automation package and gave up after a few hours of fucking with it.
That said, these days I’m using Home Assistant on a RPi with a Nortek z-wave/zigbee combo radio USB interface and I couldn’t be happier. If you’ve never used HA it’s worth trying out; used to require a lot of scripting but now it’s a beautiful and polished system that has all the tweakability a nerd wants with a nice high-WAF GUI. They have a plugin that does exactly what you’re doing and makes a virtual alarm system out of existing sensors.
I also agree block connections and use a VPN to access it, I do the same thing.
Very interesting. So you basically have an alarm system in software then? What do you use for software? Do you have an arm/disarm function?
security? For surveillance or something more?
I miss Messenger with XMPP
For me it’d be Don’t Even Reply: E-Mails from an Asshole.
Bunch of funny ones. Like someone offered a ride in a Prius for a long car trip between cities, he said he’d have to stop at a river to pour out some motor oil because he doesn’t support the environment and had to make up for the environmental damage the Prius wasn’t doing.
That was a fairly famous situation. The reporter was very anti-EV, and trashed the car’s crappy range and said it ran out of power on him with no warning.
Tesla released the logs showing that it popped up low power warnings and suggested places to charge several times, all of which were ignored. When the car reported 0% it was then driven to a parking lot where it drove around in circles (the whole time, suggesting a nearby charger) until it finally shut down.
The reporter was then fired.
I’ve been saying this for a long time.
There are use cases for the cloud. I put e-mail in the cloud- ain’t nobody got time to deal with providing reliable SMTP or Exchange while keeping spam out. If you have a web app that needs to scale quickly, cloud’s the way. If you’re a startup with limited capital and you don’t want to blow it on a bunch of servers when you’re not sure if you’ll survive more than a year or so, cloud’s the way.
But Cloud ISN’T the end-all answer for everything.
If you have a predictable workload, especially one that relies on more expensive cloud services, de-clouding can save you a bundle. Buying hardware can be cheaper than renting it, if only because (think about it) the cloud provider has to buy the same hardware and rent it to you AND make a profit. If you’re going to be around a while, and you expect to use a piece of hardware for its full service life, that makes a lot of sense.
I’d say this is incredibly cheap. That’s $3,650 per decade. So if you’re say 70 and you want to go back to your first day of high school (15yo for the sake of argument), that’s a hair over $20k to basically live your entire life over.
Of course the question is, do you de-age as you go back? Or does the 70yo stay a 70yo just 55 years ago? If you don’t de-age, then the whole thing is much less useful- it’s basically an opportunity to undo one or two mistakes.
Elon Musk. Without him, electric cars wouldn’t be the almost-mainstream thing they are today. We also would be a decade behind on space launch.
This is the answer.
Matrix needs to make it easier to expire or delete messages from the server, but other than that it’s doing a lot of the stuff Signal should’ve been doing years ago. Easy to use multiple devices, easy to get messages on multiple devices, keep chat history in sync, no reliance on phone numbers for identity or single identity servers, good working federation / ability to set up private hosted groups, etc.