Based in Connecticut apparently
Based in Connecticut apparently
My experience is tainted from an incident at uni involving my flatmate and his friends, nakedly encircling poor Henry… I can only imagine what horrors those eyes saw…
Indeed and what I also love about federation is it is also within your rights to not give people a platform or be forced to listen to them. If people don’t like what they have to say then they will still be able to shout but only into the void and echo chambers.
Both are just classifieds type sites aren’t they?
I’ve just found Create which is a British company and has a few different payment gateways so could be a viable option for me.
Those all look like classified sites though, rather than dedicated e-commerce platforms to build a brand on.
I don’t think that it answers the DRM requirement but BritBox is a British service for British tv programmes and films owned by the BBC and ITV. Internationally it serves the US, Canada, Aus, SA and the continental Nordics.
NPS/Solovair - British leather (and some vegan) shoes and boots, including ‘doc marten’ style Derby boots (they used to manufacture ‘Dr. Martens by Solovair’ boots).
Im not American so I probably didn’t see a lot of this but my lasting impression was a lot of blustering and shit slinging but no real action or substance. Like everything he tried or promised either didn’t get done or was half arsed. Basically i saw it as incompetence and damage through inaction rather than the malicious active damage he is doing now.
Windsurfing. Cold, wet, miserable, bored of falling off a stuggling back on and picking up the sail. Not for me.
It looks like they don’t distribute via an open format and you are locked to their apps.
Not sure where it came from but you can see it here under S - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary_of_British_military_slang_and_expressions#S
As for other words, I don’t think we do quite so many as the Aussies but there are words like aggro, cheapo, wino, preggo used in every day speech.
Seppo is pretty common in the UK too, particularly in families with people in the forces.
I’m English (distinction from British as there isnt any programme for or impetus to learn celtic languages like the other countries) and for a long time the only other language I spoke was French to a very, very poor and sub-conversational level (from school).
Since 2016 or so (on and off) I’ve been learning Dutch. When you tell people that, the first question you get (from both english native speakers and the Dutch) is ‘why’?
So whilst I work and live in the UK, my company has a bunch of EU offices and I have worked closely with our large Belgian office for almost 10 years now and as of last year I now work for that EU branch of the company and my current project is with a Dutch client which has spurred me on a lot recently to learn again.
I also have two Dutch friends (from other ends of the country) who help and encourage me.
So I’m currently at a basic/low conversational level, I can deal with every day basic interactions.
Sure, Spanish, French or even German makes a lot more sense to most people but I have so many strong links with the Netherlands that Dutch is the only one that makes sense to learn for me and is the one I use the most by miles.
One week since I finally started HRT after years of misery and antidepressant induced apathy. Mind is clearer, I can see an actual future for myself not obscured by fog and had a few actual moments of genuine happiness.
I also came out to my one of my best friends who lives abroad and have struggled to stay in contact with, which not only rekindled our friendship but redefined it. They have been so instantly accepting of me and non-judgemental.
You mean like watergategate? https://youtu.be/vB9JgxhXW5w
A lot of .ml users and communities are there just because it was the only big instance much earlier on. I’m in no way a tankie but still use .ml a lot (a community I run is on there) because it was the first one I made and i’m too lazy to look into new instances or switch.
Because the community is called “Buy European”?