Thanks for this resource!
Thanks for this resource!
Yes it was. I think you’re getting down voted because people are considering private property with personal property.
Your stuff that’s there so you can live your life? Personal property.
Stuff that’s held from the common but isn’t for the purpose of someone living their life? That’s private property.
Might. Possibly. Maybe.
Five gets you ten that Reddit will purge the moderators, get lackeys into the mod positions, do a content prune to get rid of NSFW-ish posts and comments, then try to bring it back as “business as usual”.
Reddit has already demonstrated that they have no problem breaking their own rules.
Uh, no. The phone was made by workers. Workers laid the infrastructure and maintain the networks. Workers run the power plant and maintain that infrastructure as well.
Profit happens when the business takes more money than is needed to Do The Thing. That money is then given to people who (generally) have nothing to do with Doing The Thing. These people then take their extracted value profits, and increase their holdings so they can get more.
I suppose that depends on which book you’re getting the rules from.
I always heard that it’s “all warfare is based on deception”.