Brechmittel wären vielleicht einen Versuch wert.
Brechmittel wären vielleicht einen Versuch wert.
Und was hat das mit ETFs zu tun?
Ums hessisch auszudrücken: “Häh?”
Was möchtest du uns damit sagen? Dass du den Kreis lieber rechts rum läufst?
Rape is also bad, rape victims should just stop resisting and accept it in order for the rape to end quicker. Anyone disagreeing or supporting the rape victim is pro rape.
I use Ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop and EndeavourOS (which is based on Arch) on my desktop. I spend WAY more time troubleshooting random shit on my Ubuntu machine compared to EndeavourOS.
You can decide.
You can decide not to use their products.
The Canada thing is completely irrelevant to this post, but tankies just have to bring it up every single chance they get.
GTFO with your shit stirring tankie propaganda.
Glaubst du, dass hier überwiegend konservative Boomer unterwegs sind?
You have smelled your own farts for way too long.
It’s a great idea actually.
I think it’s a good decision.
Und vor all dem ist Murdoch einer der Hauptverantwortlichen des von ihm beschriebenen Problems.
I’m just mirroring your comment.
Did Putin campaign on committing genocide? Is that what Russians want? I don’t think so.
And LNG is just a fraction of the total gas import and not representative.
Viel Erfolg!