We certainly do, but you wouldn’t catch me voting for that Russian stooge after everything that went down in 2016.
We certainly do, but you wouldn’t catch me voting for that Russian stooge after everything that went down in 2016.
“It hurt itself in its confusion”
The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
It’s probably true that some of the countries that are members of the UN use that to spread misinformation and/or keeping the UN from doing a more effective job. However, to state that that’s the only thing the UN does is In my opinion is completely inaccurate. You’re welcome to look at my comments further up or go to the UN website yourself and see all the different areas that they make an impact in. Like I had said in another comment just because they aren’t perfect doesn’t mean they’re pointless. You’re welcome to come to your own conclusions, but I feel that the UN is a net positive in this world. I think it’s better to have the UN and actually work on improving it than to not have it at all.
This would be a good place to start if you’re curious about the mission statement of the UN. This website has a lot of good information about their areas of focus. https://www.un.org/en/our-work
The work of the UN focuses on five major areas. 1.Maintain International Peace and Security. 2.Protect Human Rights. 3.Deliver Humanitarian Aid. 3.Support Sustainable Development and Climate Action. 3.Uphold International Law
They have a lot of information on their website about all of these areas. I would highly suggest going and looking at information on their peacekeeping and how they’ve helped in that area. They are certainly far from perfect but that doesn’t make them pointless. They do a lot of good work and are making a net positive impact.
"UN peacekeeping missions operate in the most dangerous and difficult environments in the world, dealing with conflicts – or their aftermath – which others cannot or will not address. We can achieve what others can’t, but success is never guaranteed.
We have, built up an impressive record of peacekeeping achievements over more than 70 years of our existence, including winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
Since 1948, the UN has helped end conflicts and foster reconciliation by conducting successful peacekeeping operations in dozens of countries, including Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mozambique, Namibia and Tajikistan.
UN peacekeeping has also made a real difference in other places with recently completed or on-going operations such as Sierra Leone, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Timor-Leste, Liberia, Haiti and Kosovo. By providing basic security guarantees and responding to crises, these UN operations have supported political transitions and helped buttress fragile new state institutions. They have helped countries to close the chapter of conflict and open a path to normal development, even if major peacebuilding challenges remain.
In other instances, however, UN peacekeeping – and the response by the international community as a whole – have been challenged and found wanting, for instance in Somalia, Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. These setbacks provided important lessons for the international community when deciding how and when to deploy and support UN peacekeeping as a tool to restore and maintain international peace and security"
This is only touching on the peacekeeping aspect of the UN. They do lot of other work such as humanitarian aid, human rights, international law, sustainable development, and focus on climate change.
The UN isn’t perfect however it’s hard to ignore that it does have a net positive on the world. We can always work to make it better but I think saying that it’s useless isn’t true.
You can look up more of what the UN does on their website or feel free to find other sources on what they’ve done since they came to be.
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You basically contradict yourself in the first sentence… They’re fine with gay people existing as long as they’re not gay? The mental gymnastics you’re going through in this whole thing would be hilarious if it wasn’t scary how many people think like you. First off you don’t even know what group I fall into when it comes to civil rights so it’s pretty presumptuous of you to assume my civil rights aren’t being hampered. I’m honestly sorry you have lived a life that has put you on a path to hate and I hope one day you can see we are all humans and we are allowed to be different. You’re allowed to not like it but it’s not your place to tell consenting adults who they can love. That’s a you problem not an us problem.
I was just giving you an example of something evangelicals do such as protesting planned Parenthood clinics. I don’t see how picking up a sign would change an evangelical to just be an activist and no longer be an evangelical Christian. Possible for them to try and fill both roles at the same time.
Once again presuming that I don’t want to know something. It seems to me you’re the one with the blinders on. You claim religion doesn’t inflict damage and pain? Because people do? Yeah those people do it in the name of their religion… I feel like it’s hard to have a conversation with somebody who seemed to have slept through all of their history classes. I also never stated that religion can’t be positive in somebody’s life. Spirituality can be very good and very beneficial for some people and that’s great and I’m happy for people who find some kind of relief in the world that we live in. What I have a problem with is religious people trying to push their ideas on others and using their gods as an excuse to commit atrocities against those around them.
It doesn’t seem like you and me can see eye to eye on these subjects because we’re not looking through the same lens. I’m sure we have other areas we could agree on and could make progress on. However, when it comes to having empathy for other humans I think that’s where we fundamental differ. We could make this world such a better place for all of us.
Dude… Evangelicals don’t think gay people should exist. Don’t think anybody in the LGBTQ+ community should exist. They want to strip us of our fundamental civil rights. That’s a little more than annoying. Yeah I described the ideal of what the separation of church and state should really mean. I don’t know why you’re pointing that out. We all know that’s how it’s supposed to work but that’s not how it is working.
I’m also not sure what you’re saying when referencing describing what evangelicals are doing. They don’t leave people alone they harass them. All you have to do is go drive by your local planned Parenthood and you’ll see a bunch of evangelicals Not minding their own business. If you look across our entire country you can find endless examples of evangelical people not minding their own business and not letting other people live their lives.
I don’t understand anybody who can look at any religion and not see the damage and pain it has inflicted on humans across time.
It might be annoying to you because you’re just another flavor of Christian but for the rest of us we are telling you that’s not the case.
…Or here’s an idea all religious people can be free to practice their religion as long as it hurts no one and doesn’t infringe on other people’s rights. It’s simple really. It’s a huge world out there and not everybody’s going to believe in the same things you do and you just have to get over it. Don’t push your shit on other people. We don’t believe in it and stop trying to make us. Mind your own business and stop fucking up the world for the rest of us who just want to live peacefully with our families and friends.
It isn’t annoying at best evangelicals are mentally ill
Girl is getting paid to help them for sure.